In this paper, the forecasting equations of a 2nd-order space-time differential remainder are deduced from the Navier-Stokes primitive equations and Eulerian operator by Taylor-series expansion. Here we introduce a cubic spline numerical model (Spline Model for short), which is with a quasi-Lagrangian time-split integration scheme of fitting cubic spline/bicubic surface to all physical variable fields in the atmospheric equations on spherical discrete latitude-longitude mesh. A new algorithm of "fitting cubic spline―time step integration―fitting cubic spline―……" is developed to determine their first- and 2nd-order derivatives and their upstream points for time discrete integral to the governing equations in Spline Model. And the cubic spline function and its mathematical polarities are also discussed to understand the Spline Model's mathematical foundation of numerical analysis. It is pointed out that the Spline Model has mathematical laws of "convergence" of the cubic spline functions contracting to the original functions as well as its 1st-order and 2nd-order derivatives. The "optimality" of the 2nd-order derivative of the cubic spline functions is optimal approximation to that of the original functions. In addition, a Hermite bicubic patch is equivalent to operate on a grid for a 2nd-order derivative variable field. Besides, the slopes and curvatures of a central difference are identified respectively, with a smoothing coefficient of 1/3, three-point smoothing of that of a cubic spline. Then the slopes and curvatures of a central difference are calculated from the smoothing coefficient 1/3 and three-point smoothing of that of a cubic spline, respectively. Furthermore, a global simulation case of adiabatic, non-frictional and "incompressible" model atmosphere is shown with the quasi-Lagrangian time integration by using a global Spline Model, whose initial condition comes from the NCEP reanalysis data, along with quasi-uniform latitude-longitude grids and the so-called "shallow atmosphere" Navier-Stokes primitive equations in the spherical coordinates. The Spline Model, which adopted the Navier-Stokes primitive equations and quasi-Lagrangian time-split integration scheme, provides an initial ideal case of global atmospheric circulation. In addition, considering the essentially non-linear atmospheric motions, the Spline Model could judge reasonably well simple points of any smoothed variable field according to its fitting spline curvatures that must conform to its physical interpretation.
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