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  • A generalized wave-activity density, which is defined as an absolute value of production of three-dimensional vorticity vector perturbation and gradient of general potential temperature perturbation, is introduced and its wave-activity law is derived in Cartesian coordinates. Constructed in an agoestrophic and nonhydrostatic dynamical framework, the generalized wave-activity law may be applicable to diagnose mesoscale weather systems leading to heavy rainfall. The generalized wave-activity density and wave-activity flux divergence were calculated with the objective analysis data to investigate the character of wave activity over heavy-rainfall regions. The primary dynamical processes responsible for disturbance associated with heavy rainfall were also analyzed. It was shown that the generalized wave-activity density was closely correlated to the observed 6-h accumulative rainfall. This indicated that the wave activity or disturbance was evident over the frontal and landfall-typhoon heavy-rainfall regions in middle and lower troposphere. For the landfall-typhoon rainband, the portion of generalized wave-activity flux divergence, denoting the interaction between the basic-state cyclonic circulation of landfall typhoon and mesoscale waves, was the primary dynamic process responsible for the evolution of generalized wave-activity density.
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RAN Ling-kun, Abdul REHIM, AL RAMANATHAN. DIAGNOSIS OF WAVE ACTIVITY OVER RAINBAND OF LANDFALL TYPHOON [J]. Journal of Tropical Meteorology, 2009, (2): 121-129.
RAN Ling-kun, Abdul REHIM, AL RAMANATHAN. DIAGNOSIS OF WAVE ACTIVITY OVER RAINBAND OF LANDFALL TYPHOON [J]. Journal of Tropical Meteorology, 2009, (2): 121-129.

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通讯作者: 陈斌,
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    沈阳化工大学材料科学与工程学院 沈阳 110142

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Abstract: A generalized wave-activity density, which is defined as an absolute value of production of three-dimensional vorticity vector perturbation and gradient of general potential temperature perturbation, is introduced and its wave-activity law is derived in Cartesian coordinates. Constructed in an agoestrophic and nonhydrostatic dynamical framework, the generalized wave-activity law may be applicable to diagnose mesoscale weather systems leading to heavy rainfall. The generalized wave-activity density and wave-activity flux divergence were calculated with the objective analysis data to investigate the character of wave activity over heavy-rainfall regions. The primary dynamical processes responsible for disturbance associated with heavy rainfall were also analyzed. It was shown that the generalized wave-activity density was closely correlated to the observed 6-h accumulative rainfall. This indicated that the wave activity or disturbance was evident over the frontal and landfall-typhoon heavy-rainfall regions in middle and lower troposphere. For the landfall-typhoon rainband, the portion of generalized wave-activity flux divergence, denoting the interaction between the basic-state cyclonic circulation of landfall typhoon and mesoscale waves, was the primary dynamic process responsible for the evolution of generalized wave-activity density.

RAN Ling-kun, Abdul REHIM, AL RAMANATHAN. DIAGNOSIS OF WAVE ACTIVITY OVER RAINBAND OF LANDFALL TYPHOON [J]. Journal of Tropical Meteorology, 2009, (2): 121-129.
Citation: RAN Ling-kun, Abdul REHIM, AL RAMANATHAN. DIAGNOSIS OF WAVE ACTIVITY OVER RAINBAND OF LANDFALL TYPHOON [J]. Journal of Tropical Meteorology, 2009, (2): 121-129.
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