This study focuses on the TP area (26°-40°N, 70°-104° E) with the altitude above 2000 m (i. e., the area enclosed by polygonal lines in Fig. 1). The European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts interim (ERA-Interim) reanalysis datasets with the horizontal resolutions of 1.5° × 1.5° and 0.25° × 0.25° are used, including monthly and 6-hourly surface pressure, specific humidity, and horizontal winds (Dee et al. [39]). Gao et al [16] pointed out that the ERA-Interim dataset performs better than other reanalysis datasets in water vapor budget around the TP. Daily precipitation at 122 meteorological stations (black dots in Fig. 1) in the TP area is provided by the China Meteorological Administration (CMA). Daily gridded precipitation is also applied from Asian Precipitation-Highly Resolved Observational Data Integration toward Evaluation of Water Resources (APHRODITE) with the horizontal resolutions of 0.25° × 0.25° (Yatagai et al. [40]), spanning from 1951 to 2015. Monthly mean precipitation is provided by the University of East Anglia Climatic Research Unit (CRU) with the horizontal resolutions of 0.5° × 0.5° (Harris et al. [41]). Except for the APHRODITE precipitation, the above data are all extracted from 1979 to 2018.
Figure 1. The boundary (elevation greater than 2000 m) and 122 stations (black dots) of the Tibetan Plateau (TP), in which western, southern, eastern, and northern boundaries are denoted in red, green, purple, and blue, respectively.
The vertically integrated water vapor flux (Q) and Bt are calculated as follows, respectively.
$$ Q=-\frac{1}{\mathrm{g}} \int_{p_{\mathrm{s}}}^{p_{\mathrm{t}}} \mathrm{q}{\bf V}\mathrm{d} p $$ (1) $$ \mathrm{Bt}=\oint Q \mathrm{d} l=\mathrm{Bw}+\mathrm{Be}+\mathrm{Bs}+\mathrm{Bn} $$ (2) where g is the gravity acceleration; ps is the surface pressure; q is the specific humidity; V is the horizontal wind vector; pt is the pressure of top layer, which is equal to 300 hPa (water vapor above 300 hPa is neglected) in formula (1). l in formula (2) is the boundary curve of the TP. Bt over the TP area enclosed by the curve l is the sum of water vapor budget at four boundaries: the western (Bw), southern (Bs), eastern (Be), and northern (Bn) boundaries. Compared with the regional mean of precipitable water or water vapor convergence, it seems to be more reasonable to measure the TP BT through calculating Bs, Bn, Bw, and Be, by measuring the net atmospheric water vapor amounts, since there are more observed data assimilated into the atmospheric reanalysis datasets in the adjacent areas of the TP in contrast to the inner TP (Zhou et al. [22]).
According to Piao et al. [38], the monthly total water vapor flux can be decomposed as the stationary and transient components and is calculated as follows:
$$ Q=-\frac{1}{\mathrm{g}} \int_{p_{\mathrm{s}}}^{p_{\mathrm{t}}} \overline{{\bf{V}}} \bar{q} \mathrm{d} p-\frac{1}{\mathrm{~g}} \int_{p_{\mathrm{s}}}^{p_{\mathrm{t}}} \overline{{\bf{V}}^{\prime} q^{\prime}} \mathrm{d} p=Q 1+Q 2 $$ (3) where Q is the monthly vertical water vapor flux. The two terms on the right side stand for the stationary water vapor flux (Q1) related to mean wind and the transient water vapor flux (Q2) related to transient wind, respectively. That is, the sum of Q1 and Q2 is the total water vapor flux (Q). The overbar denotes the monthly average, and the prime is a transient deviation from the mean. Accordingly, Bt is the sum of the stationary water vapor budget (Bt1) and the transient term (Bt2). To quantitatively estimate the contribution of the transient water vapor transport to the TP Bt, the contribution rate of the transient water vapor transport (Rate) is defined as follows:
$$ \text { Rate }=\frac{\mathrm{Bt} 2}{\mathrm{Bt}} \times 100 \% $$ (4) Correlation, composite, and empirical orthogonal function (EOF) methods are used in this study. Unless otherwise stated, the statistical significance tests are performed using the two-tailed Student's t-test. Spring, summer, autumn, and winter seasons are March-May, June-August, September-November, and December February, respectively.
Figure 2 presents climatological mean water vapor transport. In spring and winter, the TP, even the whole Eurasian continent, is under the control of the approximately westerly-induced water vapor transport (Figs. 2a and 2d). Summer water vapor transport around the TP shows more complex characteristics and is associated with the mid-latitude westerly and the Indian summer monsoon (Fig. 2b). Similar to the conclusions in Feng and Zhou [18], the westerly and strong southwesterly flows are divided into two when they encounter the barrier of the TP. The Yarlung Zangbo River valley which is in the west-east direction over the southern TP and several meridionally oriented valleys, such as the Nujiang River and Lancang River valleys, would facilitate the transport of water vapor into the inner TP (Xu et al. [2]; Gao et al. [20]). In autumn, apart from the Bay of Bengal (Fig. 2c), water vapor transport from the South China Sea also contributes to the water vapor budget (Bt) over the TP, which is more evident in the lower troposphere (figure omitted).
Figure 2. Vertically integrated water vapor flux (vectors; units: kg m-1 s-1) and divergence (shaded; units: 10-5 kg m-2 s-1) in (a) spring, (b) summer, (c) autumn, and (d) winter.
Figure 3 shows water vapor amount transported into the TP via each boundary in four seasons. Water vapor flows into the TP through the western and southern boundaries and flows into the downstream areas through the eastern boundary in the whole year. Water vapor budget at the northern boundary (Bn) is very small. Water vapor budgets at the western (Bw) and eastern (Be) boundaries counteract each other throughout the year. Water vapor budget at the southern boundary (Bs) varies largely, from 25 × 106 kg s-1 (in winter) to 88 × 106 kg s-1 (in summer), which would directly influence the amount of water vapor budget (Bt) over the TP. Note that Bs is possibly overestimated by an usual rectangle boundary, especially in the eastern TP. According to our estimation, summer Bs at the rectilinear boundary in Feng and Zhou [18] and Zhou et al. [22] (from 81°E to 98°E) are larger by at least 30 × 106 kg s-1 compared with our zigzag boundary. Thus, a more elaborative definition of the TP boundary is important to reasonably estimate Bt over the TP. According to Table 1, as the "water tower of Asia", the entire TP is a huge water vapor sink in four seasons, in which net water vapor income in summer is the largest (86.57 × 106 kg s-1), accounting for 57.5% of the net water vapor input in the whole year. This is also seen from the noticeable water vapor convergences over the TP in Fig. 2b. Then spring (autumn) Bt is about 39.42 × 106 kg s-1 (15.15 × 106 kg s-1). Although winter Bt is the smallest, below 10 × 106 kg s-1, it is still the key factor of winter precipitation.
Figure 3. Climatological water vapor budget (units: 106 kg s-1) over the TP at four boundaries in (a) spring, (b) summer, (c) autumn, and (d) winter. The red bars denote the total water vapor budget (Bt), and green and blue bars denote the stationary (Bt1) and transient (Bt2) water vapor budgets, respectively.
Spring Summer Autumn Winter Bt 39.40 86.57 15.15 9.37 Bt1 30.02 88.70 12.50 -0.2 Bt2 9.38 -2.13 2.65 9.64 Rate 23.8 -2.5 17.5 102.9 Table 1. Climatology of the total (Bt), stationary (Bt1), and transient (Bt2) water vapor budget over the TP in four seasons (units: 106 kg s-1). Rate is the contribution rate of the transient water vapor transport to Bt (units: %).
The monthly mean water vapor flux and budget can be decomposed into two terms based on Eq. (3): the stationary and transient parts. The spatial distribution and magnitude of Q1 (figure omitted) are generally similar to those of Q (Fig. 2). The spatial distribution of the transient term is displayed in Fig. 4. The transient water vapor transport is quasi-meridional in the mid- and high-latitude Asia during four seasons, which is consistent with the result of Wang et al. [42]. Although Q2 is much smaller than Q and Q1, the transient water vapor transportation could deliver warm and wet air from the low-latitude areas to the TP or convey water vapor over the TP northward via the northern boundary, causing obvious water vapor divergence (convergence) in summer (winter) over the TP (Figs. 4b and 4d). Comparisons between the stationary water vapor budget (Bt1, green bars) and the transient term (Bt2, blue bars) with the total Bt (red bars) at four boundaries (Fig. 3) show that Bt1 is close to Bt at the western, eastern, and southern boundaries, which suggests that the stationary water vapor transport generally dominates the total Bt. At the northern boundary, Bt1 and Bt2 cancel out each other in summer and autumn, thus resulting in a small Bt. For the whole TP, the winter Bt is almost entirely contributed by the transient water vapor budget relative to the stationary term, with a high contribution rate of 103%. The transient water vapor transport controls nearly one-fifth of the TP Bt in spring and autumn. On the climatological mean, Bt2 could be neglected in summer.
Figure 4. The same as Fig. 2, but for the transient water vapor flux.
Previous studies suggested that summer precipitation over the southeastern TP is associated with anomalous anticyclonic water vapor transport over the northern India and the Bay of Bengal (Feng and Zhou [18]; Jiang et al. [26]). The interannual variability of winter precipitation over the western TP is linked to the anomalous southwesterly water vapor transport to the south of this region (Liu et al. [29]). However, these results mainly focused on sub-regions and used monthly mean datasets. In this section, we consider the TP as a whole, discuss the variation of the TP Bt during four seasons, examine the contributions of the stationary and transient water vapor transports to Bt, and investigate their relationship with the precipitation over the TP at the interannual timescale.
Figure 5 presents the time series of seasonal mean Bt (black solid line), Bt1 (red line with dots), and Bt2 (blue line with dots) over the TP during 1979-2018. The Bt over the TP shows a significantly increasing trend in spring, summer, and autumn, with the trend of 2.9 × 105 kg s-1 yr-1, 5.6 × 105 kg s-1 yr-1 and 1.1 × 105 kg s-1 yr-1, respectively. Meanwhile, the summer Bt, with the largest wetting trend, experienced a significant mutation around 1994, which is in accordance with the study of Zhou et al. [22]. Bt2 significantly increases only in spring. In summer and autumn, Bt1 dominates the wetting process. Bt also exhibits obvious interannual variations after removing the linear trends during four seasons (figure omitted). Based on the standard time series of Bt after removing the linear trends (figure omitted), the six highest and lowest years beyond 0.9 and -0.9 standard deviation of BT are selected during every season (shown in Table 2). We further compare water vapor transport in wet and dry years (Fig. 6).
Figure 5. Time series of Bt (black solid line), Bt1 (red line with red dots), and Bt2 (blue line with blue dots) over the TP during 1979-2018 in (a) spring, (b) summer, (c) autumn, and (d) winter (units: 106 kg s-1).
Wet years Dry years Spring 1996, 2004, 2005, 2010, 2016, 2017 1979, 1993, 1998, 2007, 2012, 2014 Summer 1995, 1998, 1999, 2003, 2004, 2005 1983, 1986, 1994, 2006, 2009, 2013 Autumn 1979, 1989, 1990, 2007, 2010, 2018 1981, 1994, 1998, 2013, 2014, 2015 Winter 1989, 1990, 1991, 1994, 2004, 2018 1985, 1986, 1996, 1998, 2000, 2017 Table 2. Wet and dry years for each season over the TP.
Figure 6. Composite differences (wet minus dry years) of the total water vapor flux (vector; units: kg m-1 s-1) and its divergence (shaded; units: 10-5 kg m-2 s-1) in (a) spring, (b) summer, (c) autumn, and (d) winter. Red dotted areas denote the differences of water vapor flux divergence significant at the 90% confidence level.
In spring (Fig. 6a), anomalous water vapor convergence appears over most of the TP and excessive water vapor generally comes from the southwesterly-induced water vapor transportation from the Bay of Bengal. The anomalous westerly-induced water vapor transportation on the southern side of the TP (85°E-95°E) also contributes to anomalous water vapor convergences around the Grand Canyon of the Yarlung Zangbo River, which may be related to the active trough to the south of TP in spring (Li et al. [43]). In summer, water vapor convergence anomalies strengthen remarkably and the evident signals are distributed in the central-southern and the southeasten parts of the TP and its southern side region, even more than -6 × 10-5 kg m-2 s-1. This arises from the intensified water vapor transportation from the northern Arabian Sea and the north side of the Bay of Bengal. In autumn, the extra water vapor from the Bay of Bengal and the South China Sea is transported into the southeastern TP and contributes to the local water vapor convergence. In winter, the southwesterly-induced water vapor transport from the Arabian Peninsula to the western side of the TP also remarkably strengthens. Abundant water vapor flows into the western TP where strong water vapor convergence is identified. Apart from that, the southeastern TP also gains more-than-normal water vapor for a larger Bt in winter. Table 3 further gives the quantitative differences of four boundaries between wet and dry years of Bt. The results show that the differences of Bs are larger than the ones at other boundaries in spring, summer, and autumn when the TP is wetter. In winter, the difference of Bw is more significant than that of Bs and contributes to a wetter TP. This means that the yearly variation of Bt is primarily regulated by anomalous water vapor supplies at the western and southern boundaries and Bs plays a more vital role in all reasons except for winter. We can also see that the difference of Be between wet and dry years is generally negative, which indicates that water vapor exports from the eastern boundary increase when the TP is wetter.
Bw Be Bs Bn wet dry diff wet dry diff wet dry diff wet dry diff Spring Bt1 50.3 44.7 5.6 -68.1 -64.8 -3.3 53.0 45.9 7.1* 0.5 -0.3 0.8 Bt2 -0.9 0.8 -1.7 2.9 2.7 0.2 12.7 7.5 5.2* -0.2 -3.4 3.2 Bt 49.4 45.5 3.9 -65.2 -62.1 -3.1 65.7 53.4 12.3* 0.3 -3.7 4.0 Summer Bt1 32.6 25.1 7.5* -40.1 -39.6 -0.5 82.6 71.9 10.7* 20.4 21.2 -0.8 Bt2 9.2 11.3 -2.1 -5.9 -5.6 -0.3 23.5 0.2 23.3* -17.8 -14.3 -3.5 Bt 41.8 36.4 5.4* -46.0 -45.2 -0.8 106.1 72.1 34.0* 2.6 6.9 -4.3 Autumn Bt1 17.6 19.3 -1.7 -61.8 -62.7 0.9 50.4 46.9 3.5* 8.2 8.4 -0.2 Bt2 7.0 9.0 -2.0 -0.7 -1.2 0.5 11.9 4.5 7.4* -12.1 -14.5 2.4 Bt 24.6 28.3 -3.7 -62.5 -63.9 1.4 62.3 51.4 10.9* -3.9 -6.1 2.2 Winter Bt1 31.3 25.6 5.7* -49.8 -48.7 -1.1 25.7 22.1 3.6 -4.8 -4.3 -0.5 Bt2 8.5 3.8 4.7* 1.0 2.0 -1.0+ 6.8 3.3 3.5 -3.5 -0.7 2.8* Bt 39.8 29.4 10.4* -48.8 -46.7 -2.1 32.5 25.4 7.1 -8.3 -5.0 -3.3* Note: the differences indicated by an asterisk (*) are significant at the 90% confidence level. Table 3. The total (Bt), stationary (Bt1), and transient (Bt2) water vapor budgets in four seasons at the western boundary (Bw), eastern boundary (Be), southern boundary (Bs), and northern boundary (Bn) during wet and dry years and their differences (units: 106 kg s-1).
The effects of the stationary and transient water vapor transports on the interannual variations of Bt are also examined. Water vapor circulation of the stationary term is similar to the total water vapor transportation on the whole, which suggests that the mean flow could basically represent the anomalous water vapor circulation pattern over and around the TP (Figs. 7a-7d). Despite the smaller magnitude of the transient water vapor transportation, it affects water vapor supply at the western boundary of the TP in winter (Fig. 7h). From Table 3, we can also see that at the southern and western boundaries, which are the key factors influencing the interannual variability of the TP Bt, the transient water vapor transport could modulate the change of the TP Bt. The contribution rate of the transient term to Bt is 41%, 51%, 77%, and 36% in spring, summer, autumn, and winter, respectively. Noted that the stationary water vapor transport on the southern side of the TP substantially intensifies in Fig. 7b, yet the difference of Bt1 at the southern boundary is smaller than that of Bt2 in summer. This is due to an opposite effect of anomalous water vapor transportation by the meridional mean flow between the east and west parts of the southern boundary where increased water vapor inflow and outflow occur, respectively. In short, we conclude that the stationary and transient water vapor transports jointly adjust Bt over the TP at the interannual timescale in four seasons, in which the transient term contributes to 1/3-4/5 of Bt anomalies.
Figure 7. Composite differences (wet minus dry years) of the stationary water vapor flux (vector; units: kg m-1 s-1) and its divergence (shaded; units: 10-5 kg m-2 s-1) in (a) spring, (b) summer, (c) autumn and (d) winter. (e)-(h) as in (a)-(d), but for the transient term. Red dotted areas denote the differences of water vapor flux divergence significant at the 90% confidence level.
Water vapor budget influences the local precipitation. Fig. 8 shows the spatial distribution of correlation coefficients of Bt, Bt1, and Bt2 with precipitation during 1979-2018. In spring and autumn (Figs. 8a and 8c), although a positive correlation covers most of the TP, significant signals only appear around the Yarlung Zangbo River valley, and this is primarily attributed to anomalous water vapor transport from the Bay of Bengal (Figs. 6a and 6c). In summer and winter (Figs. 8b and 8d), Bt has a close linkage with precipitation over the central-southern and southeastern parts of the TP (black boxes in Fig. 8; CSETP hereafter; 87° - 102° E, 28° - 34° N), with correlation coefficients above 0.4. That is, more precipitation would occur over this region when Bt is larger. It is also found that Bt1 and Bt2, with a smaller magnitude, both have an impact on the CSETP precipitation in different domains (Figs. 8f, 8h, 8j, and 8l). The correlation maps of Bt, Bt1, and Bt2 based on the CRU and APHRODITE precipitation datasets also show a similar pattern (Fig. 9): the anomalous water vapor budgets caused by the stationary circulation and frequent disturbance could effectively regulate precipitation over the TP. When combining the effect of the two components, the significantly correlated areas expand remarkably, and the TP Bt matches better with precipitation. This also indicates that the linkage between precipitation and water vapor budget utilized by monthly mean datasets may be underestimated in the previous studies.
Figure 8. Spatial distribution of correlation coefficients between the total water vapor budget (Bt) and precipitation in (a) spring, (b) summer, (c) autumn, and (d) winter. (e)-(h) as in (a)-(d), but for the stationary water vapor budget (Bt1). (i)-(j) as in (a)-(d), but for the transient water vapor budget (Bt12). The dotted areas denote the correlation significant at the 90% confidence level. The linear trends of water vapor budget and precipitation have been removed. The black rectangle box denotes the CSETP region.
Figure 9. Spatial distributions of correlation coefficients between summer CRU precipitation and (a) the total water vapor budget (Bt), (b) the stationary water vapor budget (Bt1), (c) the transient water vapor budget (Bt2). (d)-(f) as in (a)-(c), but for winter CRU precipitation. (g)-(l) as in (a)-(f), but for APHRODITE precipitation. The dotted areas denote the correlation significant at the 90% confidence level. The linear trends of water vapor budget and precipitation have been removed. The black rectangle box denotes the CSETP region.
An EOF analysis is performed on the detrended summer and winter precipitation based on observational data. The results indicate that precipitation generally exhibits a nearly consistent variation over the CSETP region (figure omitted). This has also been confirmed based on other gridded datasets in previous studies (Jiang et al. [26]; Hu et al. [31]; Jiang et al. [44]). Then CSETP precipitation index is constructed by calculating a regional average precipitation over the CSETP. Table 4 summarizes the correlation coefficients of the CSETP precipitation index with Bt, Bt1, and Bt2 in summer and winter. The results show that the CSETP precipitation is highly correlated with Bt, with correlation coefficients above 0.65. The correlation coefficients of Bt1 and Bt2 are smaller than that of Bt, with their correlation coefficients below 0.4. Clearly, the correlation coefficients between Bt and the CSETP precipitation index become higher after taking Bt2 into account. This result is in accordance with that in Fig. 7. That is, using monthly mean datasets, indicating the stationary water vapor transport, possibly underestimates the linkage between the TP Bt and precipitation over the southeastern TP in summer and winter. Thus, it is appropriate and necessary to consider the transient water vapor transport when exploring the impacts of Bt on precipitation over the TP.
Bt_summer Bt1_ summer Bt2_summer Bt_winter Bt1_ winter Bt2_ winter OBS 0.77* 0.30* 0.30* 0.69* 0.32* 0.22 CRU 0.72* 0.28* 0.28* 0.65* 0.32* 0.18 APHRODITE 0.75* 0.21 0.39* 0.75* 0.42* 0.08 Note: the linear trends of the variables were removed before the correlation coefficients were calculated. The differences indicated by an asterisk (*) are significant at the 90% confidence level. Table 4. Correlation coefficients of the CSETP precipitation index with Bt, Bt1, and Bt2 over the TP in summer and winter.
Besides, the TP Bt anomalies are also be related to precipitation over India and eastern China in Fig. 9. Nevertheless, there are differences between the highly relevant areas associated with Bt and Bt1. For example, the correlation maps of summer Bt (Figs. 9a and 9g) could better reflect the dipole pattern of precipitation anomalies between the eastern TP and the middle-northwestern India, which is the first mode of summer precipitation at the interannual timescale and should be considered as an interactive system (Jiang et al. [26]). However, Bt1 could not depict this seesaw phenomenon. Furthermore, the TP Bt affects anomalous precipitation over the Yangtze-Huaihe valley (Figs. 9a and 9g). Several studies pointed out that the Tibetan Plateau vortex has a positive correlation with anomalous precipitation in this region (Hu et al. [45]; Zhao et al. [46]). However, the key area of anomalous precipitation associated with Bt1 is located in South China (Figs. 9b and 9h). Therefore, when illustrating the relationship between water vapor of the TP and precipitation anomalies, Bt is more appropriate compared to Bt1.