Figure 1a illustrates the normalized time series of the LLD index during the study period of 1960-2019 with obvious interannual variations. The LLD-related monthly atmospheric circulation anomalies over the WNP have shown to be much more enhanced in October and November than those in September (figures not shown). Hence, we focus on the responses of the tropospheric circulation during October-November to the LLD index which can be seen in Figs. 1b and c. When the LLD is later, an evident cyclonic anomaly at 850hPa appears around the Philippines, favorable for the occurrence of TCs there, and below-normal values of 500-hPa geopotential height dominate the tropical WNP, indicating the northward shift of western Pacific subtropical high (WPSH). The resulting mid-tropospheric southeasterly anomalies over (10° - 25° N, 110° - 140° E) could steer more TCs towards southeast China. On the contrary, the convective activities around the Philippines are suppressed accompanied by the anomalous westerly steering flows that prevent the TCs from approaching the Chinese mainland during October-November, in coincidence with the earlier LLD. The tropical SST anomalies in relation to the LLD show the typical negative IOD and prominent La Niña signals during boreal autumn. That is, the warming SST anomalies cover the tropical eastern Indian Ocean while cooling domains appear in the tropical western Indian Ocean and equatorial eastern Pacific Ocean, suggesting that there may be impacts of tropical SST forcings on the LLD variability (Fig. 2).
Figure 1. (a) Time series of the normalized LLD index during 1960-2019. Regression of (b) 850-hPa winds (vectors: m s-1), (c) 500-hPa winds (vectors: m s-1) and geopotential height (contours: gpm) on the LLD index during October-November. Dark (light) shadings in (b) and (c) indicate the regions of 850-hPa winds and 500-hPa geopotential height with positive (negative) values significant at the 99% (95%) confidence level.
Figure 2. Correlations between the autumn SST and the LLD index. Contour interval is 0.15. Dark (light) shadings indicate the regions of positive (negative) values significant at the 99% (95%) confidence level.
By calculating the correlation coefficient, we found that the LLD is significantly and negatively correlated with the autumn IOD index during the study period (i.e., - 0.37). Due to the close relation between the IOD and ENSO fluctuations (Fig. 3a), the partial correlation method is adopted here in order to isolate the influence of IOD from the ENSO signals (Feng et al. [39]; Zhou et al. [34]). As can be seen in Fig. 3b, the IOD-SST partial correlation distribution with respect to the autumn Niño 3 index shows apparent west-east dipole in the tropical Indian Ocean and diminished SST anomalies over the equatorial Pacific. In addition, the partial correlation coefficient between the LLD and IOD index is - 0.27, also significant above the 95% confidence level. Thus, although the IOD's climate effects may be modulated by ENSO variations, the IOD seems to exert great impacts on the LLD separately without the ENSO. We select independent IOD years of 1961, 1994, 2011, 2012, 2019 (1960, 1974, 1990, 1992, 1996, 2016) with IOD index above + 0.5 (below - 0.5) standard deviation while autumn Niño 3 index within ±0.5 standard deviation to represent the typically positive (negative) IOD cases alone. These typical years are basically consistent with the results of previous studies (e. g., Zhang et al. [40]; Zhou et al. [34]). The composite SST anomalies between the two different IOD categories highlight the dipole mode over the Indian Ocean with nearly no responses over the tropical Pacific, manifesting the effectiveness of the chosen cases for further analysis (Fig. 3c).
Figure 3. (a) Time series of the normalized IOD index (red line) and Niño 3 index (grey shadings) in the autumn during 1960-2019. (b) Partial correlations between autumn SST (contours: 0.2) and IOD index. (c) Composite autumn SST anomalies (contours: 0.25℃) between independently positive and negative IOD cases. Dark (light) red and blue shadings represent the areas of positive (negative) values significant at the 99% (95%) confidence level.
Previous work has shown that dynamic and thermodynamic environmental conditions could influence the formation of the WNP TCs (Wu et al. [41]; Huang et al. [42]). Fig. 4 exhibits the composited differences of the 850-hPa vorticity, 200-hPa divergence, 600-hPa relative humidity, and vertical zonal wind shear (between 200hPa and 850hPa) during October-November between different IOD phases. It is notable that the stronger vertical wind shear, reduced mid-tropospheric moisture, weaker lower-level convergence and upper-level divergence are all dominating the western parts of the tropical WNP region. The environmental fields over the western WNP are unfavorable for TC genesis in the positive IOD phase while conductive to TC genesis in the negative IOD phase (Figs. 5a and b). At 500hPa, there exists an anomalous anticyclone over the tropical WNP modulating the large-scale mid-tropospheric flows and determining the pathways of the WNP TCs (Fig. 5c). Specifically, the WPSH splits into two separate cells around 130° E with the south flank of its western part more equatorward during October-November under positive IOD conditions, advantageous for the TCs to take recurved tracks or westward pathways to the southern South China Sea. By contrast, the WPSH presents itself as a contiguous entity placing more poleward especially in the west of 130°E under negative IOD conditions, giving rise to an increasing number of TCs moving northwestward and making landfall in the Chinese mainland (Figs. 5a and b). Therefore, the changes in the regions of TCs genesis and mid-tropospheric steering flows could well explain the prevailing tracks away from (towards) southeast China during October-November, resulting in the earlier (later) LLD in the year of positive (negative) IOD phase.
Figure 4. Composite anomalies of (a) 850-hPa vorticity (contours: 2×10-6 s-1), (b) 200-hPa divergence (contours: 0.75×10-6 s-1), (c) vertical zonal wind shear between 200hPa and 850hPa (contours: 1.5 m s-1), and (d) 600-hPa relative humidity (contours: 3%) during October-November between positive and negative IOD phases. Dark (light) red and blue shadings represent the areas of positive (negative) values significant at the 99% (95%) confidence level, respectively.
Figure 5. 500-hPa western Pacific subtropical high (contours: gpm) and streamlines, TCs genesis positions (black dots) during October-November for (a) positive and (b) negative IOD cases, respectively. (c) Composite anomalies of 500-hPa winds (vectors: m s-1) between different IOD phases. Dark (light) shadings in (c) indicate the regions significant at the 99% (95%) confidence level.
Figure 6b displays the anomalous divergent winds and velocity potential at 200hPa between different IOD cases for better understanding atmospheric responses over WNP regions. The variations of Walker circulation and the related large-scale divergent motion triggered by the tropical SST anomalies associated with a positive IOD event are characterized by the evident rising branch in the western Indian Ocean and sinking branch in the eastern Indo-western Pacific region. The resulting robust lower-tropospheric easterly anomalies over the tropical Indian Ocean could further produce a pair of anticyclones symmetrically around the equator. Along the flank of the northern anticyclone, the easterly flows turn northward towards the Indian continent and then merge into westerlies over northern India, ultimately entering the east of southeast China (Fig. 6a). Consequently, an anticyclone anomaly is formed around the Philippines by these westerlies near 20° N and easterlies near the equator over the western WNP. On the contrary, a pronounced Philippines cyclonic anomaly is established during the negative IOD phase. The Philippines anticyclone/cyclone in lower-troposphere has been shown to play an important role in the WNP TC activity, including the intensity of the convection near the Philippines and the prevailing wind direction in the mid-troposphere over southeast China.
Figure 6. Composite anomalies of (a) 850-hPa winds (vectors: m s-1), (b) 200-hPa velocity potential (contours: 1×106 m2 s-1), and divergent winds (vectors: m s-1) between positive and negative IOD phases. Dark (light) shadings indicate the regions significant at the 99% (95%) confidence level in (a) and the areas of positive (negative) values significant at the 95% confidence level in (b).
More efforts were made to investigate the FLD variability (Fig. 7a) and its influencing factors in a similar way. The SST anomalies in association with the FLD have remarkable above-normal region in tropical Indian Ocean basin and equatorial eastern Pacific Ocean from proceeding winter to spring (Figs. 7c and d). The detrended-IOB index (with linear-trend removed) instead of the original value is used to calculate its correlation coefficient with the FLD (i. e., 0.33, above the 95% confidence level) due to the evident warming trends over Indian Ocean basin during past few decades (e. g., Saji et al. [12]). Additionally, as the IOB warming/cooling in the spring closely coincide with the El Niño/La Niña episode in the proceeding winter (Fig. 7b), we calculate the partial correlation coefficient between the FLD and detrended-IOB index with respect to wintertime Niño 3 index, which decreases sharply and becomes insignificant (i. e., 0.12), suggesting the combined climate effects of ENSO and IOB on the FLD fluctuations. Hence, the independent IOB events and the combined IOB and ENSO cases are selected for further comparison. The combined positive IOB with El Niño (negative IOB with La Niña) are based on the criterion of both the spring detrended-IOB index and winter Niño 3 index higher than + 0.8 (lower than - 0.8) standard deviation, whereas the independent IOB cases are chosen when only the springtime detrended-IOB index reaches the criterion. The selected years during the study period of 1960-2019 are shown in Table 1.
Figure 7. Time series of the normalized (a) FLD index, and (b) detrended-IOB index (red line) in the spring and Niño 3 index (grey shadings) in preceding winter during 1960-2019. Correlations between the SST (contours: 0.15) and the FLD index in (c) spring and (d) preceding winter, respectively. Dark (light) shadings in (c), and (d) indicate the regions significant at the 95% (90%) confidence level.
Type Year Independent positive IOB 1964, 1969, 1970, 1988, 1991, 2005 Independent negative IOB 1965, 1975, 1984, 2017 Positive IOB with El Niño 1983, 1987, 1998, 2003, 2010, 2016 Negative IOB with La Niña 1968, 1971, 1974, 1976, 1989, 2000, 2008, 2011, 2018 Table 1. List of independent positive IOB and negative IOB years, combined positive IOB with El Niño and negative IOB with La Niña years.
Diagnosis analysis has indicated that the FLD-related atmospheric circulation anomalies are much stronger during May-June than those in other months (figures not shown). The most striking feature is an anticyclone over the western WNP in the lower-troposphere, which can affect the TCs genesis positions directly and modulate the large-scale steering flows indirectly (Fig. 8a). Compared with that in later FLD years, more TCs occur in the western parts of WNP and move towards southeast China led by the easterly steering flows during May-June in earlier FLD year. Figs. 8b and d plot the impacts of ENSO-IOB co-occurrence on the atmospheric circulation throughout the troposphere during May-June. It is found that the lower-level Philippines anticyclone may be induced by the robust descending motion of the anomalous Walker circulation with the ascending branches in the eastern Pacific and western Indian Ocean, which is forced by the SST anomalies related to the warm IOB during El Niño decaying spring. The corresponding WPSH tends to be strengthened and expanded prominently, preventing the TCs from landfalling in the Chinese mainland because of the mid-tropospheric westerlies over southeast China. By contrast, the convective activity around the Philippines is enhanced and the WPSH seems to be shrunk with the southeasterly covering southeast China during May-June in cold IOB and La Niña decaying spring, leading to that the TCs formation concentrates near the Philippines and an increase number of TCs take northwestward paths to approach the coast of China. The circulation patterns are disadvantageous (advantageous) for WNP TCs landfall in the Chinese mainland during May-June and fit particularly well with the later (earlier) FLD in the warming (cooling) phase of the IOB and ENSO. Moreover, the involved anomalous lower-level Philippines anticyclone (cyclone) is found to play a key bridge role of in the linkage between tropical SST modes and WNP TCs activity, which is in agreement with the former studies (e. g., Li et al. [10]). However, when the IOB cases occur independently during boreal spring, as shown in Fig. 8c and e, the atmospheric circulation responses to the Indian Ocean SST anomalies throughout the troposphere are suppressed and nearly non-existent over the WNP region, resulting in the poor linkage between IOB and WNP TC activity.
Figure 8. (a) Regression of 850-hPa winds (vectors: m s-1) on the FLD index during May-June. (b) and (c) Composite anomalies of 850-hPa winds (vectors: m s-1), (d) and (e) 200-hPa velocity potential (contours: 2×106 m2 s-1) and divergent winds (vectors: m s-1) during May-June between positive and negative phases of (b) and (d) both IOB and ENSO, (c) and (e) independent IOB. Red (Blue) 5880gpm contours in (b) and (c) indicate the western Pacific subtropical high for warming IOB of El Niño (cooling IOB of La Niña) decaying year and independent positive (negative) IOB year, respectively. Dark (light) shadings indicate the regions significant at the 99% (95%) confidence level.