The global three-dimensional variational (3D-Var) data assimilation is implemented on a new quasi-uniform overset (Yin-Yang) grid on sphere. As a quasi-uniform spherical grid, it covers the sphere by overlapping two perpendicularly oriented grid components which is nothing but low latitude region of the usual latitude-longitude grid. Based on this characteristic of the Yin-Yang grid, it enables us to implement the regional 3D-Var system efficiently and accurately on the Yin or Yang component grid, respectively. The global analysis could update directly from the regional analysis since they have the same configurations like the precondition of eigenvalue decomposition for vertical direction, recursive filtering for horizontal direction, minimization method and observation operator and so on. However, the balance equation and vector wind are needed to be paid more attention on the Yin grid analysis due to its coordinate transformation. How to spread the observation information near the boundary of Yin and Yang grid is a key to the 3D-Var analysis. Extending double the horizontal correlation length distance in the overset boundary of Yin and Yang grid has successfully solved the problem. The results show that the analysis on the Yin-Yang grid is reasonable and similar to the result on the latitude-longitude (LAT-LON) grid. This paper provides a promising strategy for the development of a 3D-Var global system for overset grids.