In this paper, we use the frequency of WindSat as a reference to assume a one-dimensional synthetic aperture microwave radiometer which operate at frequencies of 6.9, 10.65, 18.7, 23.8, and 36.5 GHz. All frequencies work in a dual polarization manner (vertical and horizontal polarization). We used vertical polarization channels (VR), horizontal polarization channels (HR) and all channels (AR) to retrieve the SSWS via a multiple linear regression algorithm, respectively. Fig. 2 shows the process of retrieving the SSWS.
The multiple linear regression equation is as follows (Wilheit and Change[32]; Lojou et al.[33]; Milman and Wilheit[34]):
$$ W=R\left[A_{0}+\sum_{i=1}^{n} A_{i} \cdot X\left(T_{B, \text { meas }, i}^{\theta}\right)\right] $$ (1) where W is the SSWS, R and X are linearizing functions, Ai is the regression coefficients, n is the number of channels, and TB, meas, iθ is the brightness temperature measured by a spaceborne onedimensional synthetic aperture microwave radiometer.
In this paper, we use the following linearization functions:
$$ \;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;R(F)=F \\ \begin{array}{cl} X\left(T_{B}\right)=T_{B} & f=6.9 \text { and } 10.65 \;\mathrm{GHz} \\ X\left(T_{B}\right)=-\ln \left(290-T_{B}\right) & f=18.7, 23.8, \text { and } 36.5 \;\mathrm{GHz} \end{array} $$ -
As shown in Fig. 2, radiation transmission forward model and environmental scenes are crucial for deriving regression coefficients and verifying the feasibility of this algorithm. In this paper, the newest version of the European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF) reanalysis data, ERA5(Li et al.[35]), is used to establish environmental scenes. The data contain the 10-m wind speed components u and v, the total column cloud liquid water content L, the total column water vapour content V, the average rainfall rate R and the sea surface temperature TS. The acquisition times are 0:00 and 12:00 on January 15, April 15, July 15, and October 15, 2018. The spatial resolution of the data is 0.25°. The wind speed W and wind direction φ are calculated by using the 10-m wind speed components u and v. Data with R > 0, TS < 271.15 and L < 0 are eliminated, resulting in approximately 710, 000 sets of data after processing. The seawater salinity S is set to 35 psu because S has little effect on the frequencies of the one-dimensional synthetic aperture microwave radiometer.
We obtain approximately 730, 000 sets of data after processing. Statistical histograms of the sea surface temperature, wind direction, wind speed, total column cloud liquid water content and total column water vapour content are shown in Fig. 3. Finally, we randomly divide the data into a training set and a test set on average. The training set is used to train the retrieval algorithm, and the test set is used to test its performance.
According to the theory of polarized radiative transfer (Hilburn et al.[36]; Meissner and Wentz[1, 7]), the brightness temperature TB, mod, pθ which is theoretically received by the spaceborne one-dimensional synthetic aperture microwave radiometer can be expressed as follows:
$$ \begin{array}{*{20}{l}} {T_{B, \, \bmod , p}^\theta = {T_{BU, \theta }} + {\tau _\theta } \cdot {E_{p, \theta }} \cdot {T_S} + {\tau _\theta } \cdot {T_{B\mathit{\Omega }, \theta }}}\\ {{T_{B\mathit{\Omega }, \theta }} = {R_{p, \theta }} \cdot \left[ {{T_{BD, \theta }} + {\tau _\theta } \cdot {T_{{\rm{cold}}}}} \right] + {T_{B, {\rm{scat}}, p, \theta }}} \end{array} $$ (2) where the subscript θ denotes the incidence angle, 0° ≤ θ ≤ 65°; the subscript p denotes the polarization mode, p = v, h; TBU, θ and TBD, θ are the upwelling and downwelling atmospheric brightness temperatures, respectively; τθ is the atmospheric transmittance; Ep, θ is the total sea surface emissivity; TS is the sea surface temperature; TBΩ, θ is the downwelling sky radiation that is scattered from the sea surface; Rp, θ = 1 - Ep, θ is the sea surface reflectivity; Tcold=2.7K is the effective cold space temperature. τθ · TB, scat, p, θ represents the atmospheric path length correction for the downwelling scattered sky radiation.
The forward model of microwave radiative transfer is divided into components related to atmospheric radiation and ocean radiation. We use the sea surface emissivity model developed by Meissner and Wentz[7] in 2012:
$$ E_{p, \theta}=E_{0, p, \theta}+\Delta E_{W, p, \theta}+\Delta E_{\varphi, p, \theta} $$ (3) where E0, p, θ is the specular sea surface emissivity, which is a function of the frequency f, incidence angle θ, sea surface temperature TS and salinity S and can be calculated using Fresnel' s law (Meissner and Wentz[7, 37]); ΔEW, p, θ is the emissivity increase caused by the wind speed W; ΔEφ, p, θ represents the four Stokes parameters of the sea surface wind direction signal and captures the dependence on the wind direction φ.
ΔEW, p, θ is used as the basis for the retrieval of the SSWS, and it is a function of the frequency f, SSWS W, incidence angle θ, sea surface temperature TS and salinity S. ΔEW, p, θ can be expressed as follows (Meissner and Wentz[7]):
$$ \Delta E_{W, p, \theta}\left(\theta, W, T_{S}, S\right)=\Delta E_{W, \text { nad }}\left(W, T_{S}, S\right)+\left[\Delta E_{W, p, \theta}\left(\theta, W, T_{S}, S\right)-\Delta E_{W, \text { nad }}\left(W, T_{S}, S\right)\right] \cdot\left(\frac{\theta}{\theta_{\text {ref }}}\right)^{x_{p}}, $$ (4) $$ \Delta E_{W, \mathrm{nad}}\left(W, T_{S}, S\right)=\frac{1}{2}\left[\Delta E_{W, v}\left(\theta_{\mathrm{ref}}, W, T_{S}, S\right)+\Delta E_{W, h}\left(\theta_{\mathrm{ref}}, W, T_{S}, S\right)\right], $$ (5) $$ \Delta E_{W, p}\left(\theta_{\mathrm{ref}}, W, T_{S}, S\right)=\delta_{\mathrm{ref}, p}(W) \cdot \frac{E_{0, p}\left(\theta_{\mathrm{ref}}, T_{S}, S\right)}{E_{0, p}\left(\theta_{\mathrm{ref}}, T_{\mathrm{ref}}, S\right)}, $$ (6) $$ \delta_{\mathrm{ref}, p}(W)=\sum\limits_{k=1}^{5} \delta_{k, p} \cdot W^{k}, $$ (7) where xp represents xv=4.0 and xH=1.5, the subscript nad denotes the satellite nadir angle, θref = 55.2° is the reference incidence angle, Tref = 20°C is the reference temperature, and δk, p is the interpolation coefficient, which is related to the wind speed.
Scattering can be neglected under nonprecipitating atmospheric conditions (Meissner and Wentz[7]). In the frequency range below 100 GHz, the main absorptive components of the atmosphere are oxygen, water vapour and liquid water, TBU, θ, TBD, θ and τθ can be calculated from the atmospheric profile (Wentz and Meissner[23]; Waters[38]). Considering the amount of computation required and the size of the data, we use an empirical model to calculate TBU, θ, TBD, θ and τθ(Wentz and Meissner[23]; Waters[38]). The empirical model requires the frequency f, incidence angle θ, sea surface temperature TS, total column liquid water content L, and total column water vapour content V as inputs. It should be noted that Equation (8) is adopted in this paper to calculate the absorption coefficient of liquid water AL (Rui et al.[39]) because the empirical model requires the average cloud temperature TL as an input, which is difficult to obtain.
$$ A_{L}=b_{L 0}\left(1+b_{L 1} V\right) L $$ (8) where AL is the absorption coefficient of liquid water, V is the total column water vapour content, L is the total column liquid water content, bL0 and bL1 are the regression coefficients.
We use the radiation transmission model to calculate the modelled brightness temperature TB, mod, pθ, and the measured brightness temperature TB, meas, pθ was simulated by the sum of a TB, mod, pθ and the Gaussian noises generated by a random number generator. The Gaussian noise represents an error of the brightness temperature measurement. The average value of the Gaussian noise is 0 K, and standard deviations of 0.2 K, 0.4 K, and 0.6 K are considered. Many researchers use Gaussian noise to simulate measured brightness temperatures (Wentz and Meissner[23]; Bobylev et al.[40]); this is a reasonable approach for preliminary research in the absence of real satellite observation data. It should be noted that the modelling error and the impact of Radio Frequency Interference (RFI) are not considered in this study.
2.1. Retrieval method
2.2. Data
2.3. Ocean-atmospheric radiation transmission forward model
Sensitivity of the brightness temperature to the SSWS affects the SSWS retrieval accuracy. Theoretically, the greater this sensitivity is, the more information on the SSWS is contained in the brightness temperature, and the higher the retrieval accuracy will be. In addition, the interaction between different frequencies during the SSWS retrieval can also affect the SSWS retrieval accuracy, which is difficult to predict. We assume a particular environmental scene to calculate the sensitivity of the brightness temperature at five frequencies to the SSWS, as shown in Table 1.
Scene S (psu) TS (K) W (m s-1) φ (°) V (mm) L (mm) Scene 1 35 293 0~30 45 30 0.1 Table 1. Environmental scene.
The sensitivity of the brightness temperature to the SSWS at different incidence angles can be calculated using Equation (9):
$$ S e_{p}=\frac{1}{n} \cdot \sum\limits_{i=1}^{n}\left|\frac{\partial T_{B, \mathrm{mod}, p}^{\theta}}{\partial W_{i}}\right|, $$ (9) where Sep is the average value of the sensitivity of the brightness temperature to the SSWS at an incidence angle of θ, n = 30 is the number of SSWS, TB, mod, p, θ is the mode brightness temperature calculated using the forward model of microwave radiative transfer at an incidence angle of θ, p = v, h is the polarization mode, and W is the SSWS.
Figure 4a and 4b shows the average values of the sensitivity of the vertical and horizontal polarization brightness temperatures, respectively, to the SSWS at different incidence angles. The sensitivity of the horizontal polarization brightness temperature to the SSWS is greater than that of the vertical polarization brightness temperature. The sensitivity of the vertical polarization brightness temperature to the SSWS decreases as the incidence angle increases but remains almost unchanged in the range of 0°~30°, which is because the Sev is not sensitive to the incidence angle in the range of 0°~30°. The 6.9 and 10.65 GHz horizontal polarization brightness temperatures show an increasing sensitivity to the SSWS as the incidence angle increases. At 18.7, 23.8, and 36.5 GHz, the sensitivity of the horizontal polarization brightness temperature to the SSWS first increases and then decreases as the incidence angle increases.
The root-mean-square (RMS) error and mean bias within the range of 0° ~65° are calculated in accordance with Equations (10) and (11).
$$ \mathrm{RMSE}=\sqrt{\frac{1}{N} \sum_{k=1}^{N}\left(W_{k}^{\text {true }}-W_{k}\right)^{2}, } $$ (10) $$ \mathrm{RB}=\frac{1}{N} \sum_{k=1}^{N}\left(W_{k}^{\text {true }}-W_{k}\right), $$ (11) where RMSE is the RMS error, MB is the mean bias, N is the number of samples, Wktrue is the true SSWS, and Wk is the retrieved value of the SSWS.
Figure 5 shows the relationships between the RMS error and mean bias and the incidence angle. Fig. 5a and 5b show the retrieval results obtained using only the vertical polarization channels (VR). Fig. 5c and 5d show the retrieval results obtained using only the horizontal polarization channels (HR). Fig. 5e and 5f show the retrieval results obtained using all channels (AR). In each subfigure, the left panel shows the retrieval results for the training set, and the right panel shows the retrieval results for the test set. The results show that the RMS errors on the training and test sets are similar. The mean bias values of VR, HR and AR are very low and fluctuate around 0 m s-1. The black, red and blue lines represent the retrieval results for Gaussian noise with standard deviations of 0.2 K, 0.4 K, and 0.6 K, respectively.
Figure 5. Relationships between the RMS error and mean bias and the incidence angle: (a) (b) retrieval results for vertical polarization channels, (c)(d) retrieval results for horizontal polarization channels, and (e)(f) retrieval results for all channels.
The RMS error increases as the Gaussian noise increases. However, In Fig. 5a, the RMS error changes very little in the range of 58°~65°. The RMS error of VR first increases and then decreases with increasing incidence angle, and it reaches its minimum and maximum values at 0° and 56°, respectively. The RMS error of HR decreases with increasing incidence angle and reaches its maximum and minimum values at 0° and 65°, respectively. The RMS error of AR first decreases and then increases with increasing incidence angle and reaches its maximum and minimum values at 0° and 59°, respectively. The trend of retrieval accuracy with incidence angle is caused by the sensitivity of brightness temperature to the sea surface wind speed (section 3.1) and the interaction between different channels.
Table 2 shows the maximum and minimum values of RMS error. In general, the retrieval accuracy for HR is higher than that for VR, and the retrieval accuracy achieved using AR is the highest. AR can be used as an SSWS retrieval method for spaceborne one-dimension synthetic aperture radiometer, and it is necessary to retrieve the SSWS at larger incidence angle.
Gaussian noise (K) VR (m s-1) HR (m s-1) AR (m s-1) 0.2 K 1.56/2.25 0.83/1.54 0.32/1.48 0.4 K 1.64/2.26 0.86/1.61 0.33/1.57 0.6 K 1.71/2.27 0.89/1.68 0.34/1.64 Table 2. The maximum and minimum values of RMS error.