The wavelet transform is calculated as:
$$ W(a,b) = \int_{ - \infty }^\infty f (t)\frac{1}{{\sqrt a }}g\left( {\frac{{t - b}}{a}} \right){\rm{d}}t $$ (1) where W(a, b) is the wavelet coefficient, a is the stretch coefficient, b is the displacement coefficient, f(t)is the signal to be analyzed, g is the wavelet basis function, and t is the physical quantity to be analyzed.
We used the following three wavelet basis functions:
$$ \begin{array}{l} \text { Mexican-hat: } g(t)=\left(1-t^{2}\right) e^{-\frac{t^{2}}{2}} \end{array} $$ (2) $$ \text { Morlet: } g(t)=cos 5 t e^{-\frac{t^{2}}{2}} $$ (3) $$ \text { Wave: } g(t)=t e^{-\frac{t^{2}}{2}} $$ (4) The wavelet variance for a given scale a is W(a):
$$ W(a)=\int_{-\infty}^{\infty} W(a, b)^{2} \mathrm{~d} b $$ (5) The scale corresponding to the maximum wavelet variance is the time scale of the atmospheric turbulence coherent structure (Collineau and Brunet [32]). At this time, the time-series signal of atmospheric turbulence can be reconstructed using the wavelet reconstruction formula (Chen and Hu [7]):
$$ f\left(t, a_{*}\right)=\frac{1}{c_{\varphi}^{*}} \int_{-\infty}^{\infty} W\left(b, a_{*}\right) g_{b, a_{*}}(t) \frac{1}{a^{1,5}} \mathrm{~d} b $$ (6) where cφ* = π, and a* is the time scale of the turbulence coherent structure.
To illustrate, we used Equation (5) to calculate the wavelet variance at different time scales in order to detect the coherent structure of U from 16:00 to 16:30 on January 8, 2017 (Fig. 2). The time scales of the coherent structures detected by the three wavelet basis functions were significantly different, ranging from 25- 146 s.
Figure 2. Time scale of the coherent structure of U as detected by three wavelet basis functions from 16:00 to 16:30 (UTC + 8), January 8, 2017.
In order to determine the most accurate time scale, we used Equation (6) to reconstruct the preprocessed signals, and then compared this with the preprocessed signal (Fig. 3). The time scale of the coherent structure represented the scale of the turbulence vortex representing the main energy in the turbulence, while the reconstructed signal reflected the motion of the original signal on a specific time scale (Chen and Hu [7]). Therefore, the fitting degree of the two signals reflects the quality of the reconstruction.
Figure 3. Reconstruction of the original U signal using three wavelet basis functions from 16:00 to 16:30 (UTC + 8), January 8, 2017.
We then performed a correlation analysis of the reconstructed and pre-processed signals for the three wavelet basis functions (Fig. 4). For each set of 30- min data, the Wave wavelet correlation coefficient was the highest, indicating that this reconstructed signal had the best fit with the pre-processed signal. Therefore, we used the Wave wavelet as the basis function for detecting the turbulence coherent structures in subsequent analyses.
Figure 4. Correlation coefficients between reconstructed and pre-processed signals from three wavelet basis functions for 563 Correlation coefficients between reconstructed and pre-processed signals from three wavelet basis functions for 563
When the scale of the maximum wavelet variance was known, the maximum point of the wavelet coefficient on this time scale corresponded to the abrupt jump point in the coherent structure. This allowed the number of coherent structures occurring within a given 30 min to be obtained (Fig. 5).
The time scales of the six meteorological elements, which were concentrated mostly between 20 and 25 s, ranged from 5 to 40 s (Fig. 6). The overall consistency of the six elements was good, indicating that the time scales of atmospheric turbulence coherent structures were not dependent on the choice of meteorological elements. The distributions of the three scalars were very similar, but the three wind speed vectors varied from U > V > W. This was consistent with previous studies that showed the time scale for W was smaller than that of U and V (Chen and Hu [7]) and that the time scale of W was smaller than that of U and T (Eder et al. [25]).
The number of coherent structures appearing in the six meteorological elements within 30 min mostly ranged from 10-20 with good consistency (Fig. 7), suggesting that similar to time scale, the number of coherent structures appearing within 30 min is independent of meteorological elements. element. The three-dimensional wind speeds were more likely to have higher values than those of the three scalars, especially W. As we did not set a threshold for wavelet coefficients when detecting the number of coherent structures, it was inevitable that relatively large values would be detected for each meteorological element (Barthlott et al. [8]; Collineau and Brunet [32]).
In order to better understand the characteristics of the coherent structures of different meteorological elements, we defined the time cover that the coherent structures occupied for 30 min:
$$ \mathrm{I}=\frac{ { Time ~~scale }(s) * { Number ~~of~~ coherent~~ structures~~ within }~~ 30 ~~{~min}}{1800(s)} * 100 \% $$ (7) The time cover values ranged mostly between 18 and 20%, and had very good consistencies, indicating that the time cover of atmospheric turbulence coherent structures did not depend on meteorological element (Fig. 8). As the time scale and number of structures for the three-dimensional wind speed (Figs. 6 and 7) showed an opposite trend (time scale decreased from U > V > W, but the number of coherent structures increased), Equation (7) shows that the effect of time cover is weakened, resulting in greater time cover consistency for the meteorological elements than the first two statistical characteristics.
Figure 8. Statistical distribution of the time cover of coherent structures appearing within 30 min for three-dimensional wind speed (U, V, and W), temperature (T), CO2 concentration (C), and H2O concentration (Q).
Table 1 presents a comparison of the results of this study with those of other studies. It shows that different studies used different elements. With respect to time scale, our results are similar to those obtained by Thomas et al. and Zhang et al. [37, 38]. With respect to the number of coherent structures detected within 30 min, Barthlott et al., Fesquet et al. and Starkenburg et al. obtained smaller values, while Thomas et al. and Zhang et al. obtained larger values, and our results are between theirs [8, 29, 31, 37, 38]. With respect to time cover, our results are similar to those obtained by Starkenburg et al. [31].
Study Element Time scale (s) Number in 30 min Time cover (%) Chen et al. [7] U, V, W 8-48 None None Barthlott et al. [8] T 50-120 5-14 30-40 Chen et al. [9] U, V, W, T, H2O 2-40 None None Fesquet et al. [29] T 40-120 4-16 None Starkenburg et al. [31] T 60-120 6-12 10-40 Thomas et al. [37] W, T, CO2, H2O 15-50 20-60 None Zhang et al. [38] U, W, T, H2O 10-50 15-60 40-50 This study U, V, W, T, CO2, H2O 10-35 10-20 18-20 Table 1. Statistical comparison of coherent structure results for this study and other studies.