The uncertainty in the PBL processes may result in the TC forecast uncertainty. The root-mean difference in total energy (RM-DTE) is used to characterize the forecast uncertainty (Sippel and Zhang [38]). The larger the RM-DTE, the greater the forecast uncertainty. The RM-DTE is calculated as
$$\mathrm{RM}-\mathrm{DTE}_{i j}=\sqrt{\frac{1}{N_{\mathrm{e}}} \sum\limits_{N=1}^{N_{\mathrm{e}}} \frac{1}{k_{\max }} \sum\limits_{k=1}^{k_{\mathrm{max}}} \mathrm{DTE}_{i, j, k, N}} $$ where DTE is a commonly used measure of ensemble spread and is calculated as
$$\mathrm{DTE}=0.5\left(u^{\prime} u^{\prime}+v^{\prime} v^{\prime}+k T^{\prime} T^{\prime}\right) $$ where u', v' and T' denote the difference between an ensemble member and the ensemble mean of the u, v and T, respectively, and k = Cp/Tr, where Cp = 1004.9 J kg-1 K-1 and Tr = 270 K. In the RM-DTE equation, kmax is the maximum vertical level of the model domain, and Ne is the number of ensemble members. In our experiments, 6 PBL schemes are used. Each experiment can be regarded as one member, with the 6 experiments forming an ensemble forecast with 6 members.
Figure 1 shows the spatial distribution of the RM-DTE for the 12-h, 24-h, 36-h and 48-h forecasts. As shown in Fig. 1, the uncertainty of TC forecasts increases with the forecast time, with a more rapid and significant increase occurring after 36 h. The maximum RM-DTE increases from ~8 m s-1 at 12 h to ~13 m s-1 at 24 h, to > 17 m s-1 at 36 h, and to > 30 m s-1 at 48 h. The maximum RM-DTE is located to the southeast of the TC center. The RM-DTE decreases gradually from its maximum center to the periphery, and the maximum RM-DTE is closer to TC center after 24 h.
Figure 1. The spatial distribution of the RM-DTE (m s-1) for the (a) 12-h, (b) 24-h, (c) 36-h and (d) 48-h forecasts. The typhoon sym‐ bol indicates Rammasun's position.
Figure 2 shows the observed and the forecasted track and intensity for Rammasun over the 48-h forecast period, including the sea-level pressure (SLP) and the 10-m horizontal wind speed (HWS10). As shown in Fig. 2, the PBL processes have a large impact on the predicted TC intensity but little effect on the predicted TC track. In other words, the uncertainty of TC forecast due to the PBL uncertainty is mainly reflected in the uncertainty of TC intensity forecast. The intensities predicted by using various PBL schemes differ noticeably, and this difference increases with forecast time. At 48 h, the maximum difference reaches 15 m s-1 (maximum HWS10) and 32 hPa (minimum SLP). However, the intensities predicted by using the 6 schemes are generally weaker than the observed intensity, and the intensity by using the YSU scheme is the closest to the observed.
Figure 2. The observed (black line) and the forecasted (colored line) (a) track, (b) minimum SLP (hPa), (c) maximum HWS10 (m s-1) and (d) area-averaged HWS10 (m s-1) for Rammasun over the 48-h forecast period. Colors indicate the PBL schemes used. A circle of 100 km radius centered on Rammasun is used to obtain the area-averaged quantities.
The results in Fig. 2 are similar to those by Nolan et al. [39], which evaluated and compared the high-resolution WRF simulations of Hurricane Isabel (2003) with two PBL parameterizations: the YSU scheme and MYJ scheme. The two schemes produce very similar tracks, which follow the retrospective"best track"very closely. However, the simulated intensities by the two schemes differ obviously, and compared with the best-track values, they are both low throughout the simulations. The only difference between the results in Fig. 2 and those by Nolan et al. [39] is that in the latter, the simulated intensity by using the MYJ scheme is stronger than that by using the YSU scheme, which is exactly opposite to the result in Fig. 2.
Figure 3 shows the 12-h, 24-h, 36-h and 48-h forecasted HWS10 and SLP fields and Fig. 4 shows the evolution of the forecasted axisymmetric HWS10 for Rammasun by using the 6 PBL schemes. As shown in Fig. 3, although at 48 h the TC predicted byusing the YSU scheme is the strongest among the 6 schemes, it is not the strongest before 24 h. After 24 h, it develops rapidly and becomes stronger and stronger. Before 24 h, the TC intensity by using the ACM2 scheme differs little from that by using other schemes. After 24 h, although its development has accelerated, the development is slower than that by using other schemes, which make its intensity the weakest among those predicted by using the 6 schemes at 48 h. However, at 48 h, the strong wind (≥20 m s-1) region of the TC by the ACM2 scheme is the largest among those of the 6 schemes, which can also be found in Fig. 4.
Figure 3. The 12-h (column 1), 24-h (column 2), 36-h (column 3) and 48-h (column 4) forecasted HWS10 (color shading; m s-1) and SLP (contours; hPa) for Rammasun by the 6 PBL schemes: YSU (row 1), MYJ (row 2), MYNN2 (row 3), ACM2 (row 4), BouLac (row 5) and UW (row 6). The numbers in the lower left corner of each panel are the maximum HWS10 and the minimum SLP for the corresponding scheme at the corresponding forecast time.
Figure 4. The evolution of the forecasted axisymmetric HWS10 (m s-1) for Rammasun by using the MYJ, (c) MYNN2, (d) ACM2, (e) BouLac and (f) UW.
As shown in Fig. 4, before 24 h, the TCs predicted by using the 6 schemes all develop slowly, and at 24 h, their axisymmetric maximum HWS10 are all between 20 and 25 m s-1. After 24 h, their developments all accelerate and the maximum HWS10 by using the YSU (ACM2) scheme first (finally) reaches 35 and 40 m s-1. As the TCs strengthen, their maximum wind radii and eye wall thicknesses both gradually decrease, and their strong wind (≥25, 30, and 35 m s-1) regions gradually expand outward. The stronger the TC, the smaller the maximum wind radius and the narrower the eye wall thickness.
For Rammasun by the 6 PBL schemes, Fig. 5 shows the forecasted HWS10 in the inner core region at 48 h, and Fig. 6 and Fig. 7 show the axisymmetric 1-hourly (47-48 h) time-averaged radius-height cross-sections of the forecasted horizonal tangential wind (Fig. 6) and horizonal radial wind and vertical wind (Fig. 7) respectively.
Figure 5. The 48-h forecasted HWS10 (m s-1) in the inner core region for Rammasun by using the 6 PBL schemes: (a) YSU, (b) MYJ, (c) MYNN2, (d) ACM2, (e) BouLac and (f) UW.
Figure 6. The axisymmetric 1-h (47-48 h) time-averaged radius-height cross-sections of the forecasted horizonal tangential wind (m s-1) for Rammasun by using the 6 PBL schemes: (a) YSU, (b) MYJ, (c) MYNN2, (d) ACM2, (e) BouLac and (f) UW.
Figure 7. The same as Fig. 6, but for the forecasted horizonal radial wind (contours; m s-1) and vertical wind (color shading; m s-1).
As shown in Fig. 5, different PBL scheme forecasts the TC with different horizontal structures and different maximum horizontal wind speed. The stronger the TC predicted by the PBL scheme, the smaller the vortex width and the typhoon eye, the larger the radial gradient of the horizontal wind, and the tighter the vortex structure. However, the TCs by using the MYJ and MYNN2 schemes differ a little from this pattern in that they are weaker than the TCs by using the YSU and UW schemes, but their vortex widths are slightly smaller than the vortex widths by the YSU and UW schemes. Because of their smaller vortex widths, at 48 h, their area-averaged intensities are weaker than those by the BouLac and ACM2 schemes, as shown in Fig. 2(d). For the predicted TC, the horizontal wind is distributed asymmetrically, and the wind to the right of TC forward direction is larger than the wind to the left.
Apart from different horizontal structure, different PBL scheme forecasts the TC with different vertical structure. As shown in Fig. 6, horizontal tangential wind decreases with height. The stronger the predicted TC, the greater the wind in the near-surface layer and the middle and lower layers of the troposphere, the higher the height of the strong wind zone, the smaller the maximum wind radius, and the tighter the vortex structure. However, the height of the strong wind zone by using the UW (BouLac) scheme is higher than that by using the YSU (MYJ) scheme, although at 48 h, the TC by using the YSU (MYJ) scheme is 1 m s− 1 stronger than that by using the UW (BouLac) scheme as shown in Fig. 3 and Fig. 5. This inconsistency is due to that what is shown in Fig. 6 is a little different from what is shown in Fig. 3 and Fig. 5. In addition, as shown in Fig. 6, the vertical profile of the maximum wind radius extends outward with the height, particularly at the middle and upper levels. This effect increases with the decrease of TC intensity.
As shown in Fig. 7, air flows in at the lower levels, rises along the eye wall, and flows out at the upper levels. The heights of the inflow and outflow layers do not differ much among the various PBL schemes. The upper boundary of the inflow layer is at ~850 hPa and the most important outflow occurs in the upper troposphere, at ~300-100 hPa. However, the inflow, rising and outflow rates are different among the various schemes. In addition, the thickness of the eye wall and the outward extension of the eye wall with height are also different among those simulated by using the various schemes. The stronger the predicted TC, the greater the inflow and outflow velocity, the greater the vertical upward wind, and the smaller the thickness and outward extension of the eye wall.
As shown in Fig. 5, Fig. 6 and Fig. 7, the simulated horizontal structure and vertical structure of Rammasun are both significantly different. We can find similar results in the studies by Nolan et al. [40]. Compared with the hurricane simulated by using the YSU scheme, the stronger hurricane by using the MYJ scheme is structurally expressed as smaller radius of maximum winds, stronger eye subsidence, stronger low-level inflow and upper-level outflow, and stronger mean updrafts in the eyewall.
The changes in TC intensity are accompanied by the changes in the warm core at the upper levels. For Rammasun by the 6 PBL schemes, Fig. 8 shows the 48-h cross-sections of the forecasted temperature anomalies and specific humidity across the TC center, and Fig. 9 shows the evolution of the forecasted axisymmetric potential temperature at 300 hPa.
Figure 8. The 48-h cross-sections of the forecasted temperature anomalies (color shading; K) and specific humidity (contours; g kg-1) across the TC center for Rammasun by using the 6 PBL schemes: (a) YSU, (b) MYJ, (c) MYNN2, (d) ACM2, (e) BouLac and (f) UW. The typhoon symbol indicates the TC position.
Figure 9. The evolution of the forecasted axisymmetric potential temperature (K) at 300 hPa for Rammasun by using the 6 PBL schemes: (a) YSU, (b) MYJ, (c) MYNN2, (d) ACM2, (e) BouLac and (f) UW.
As shown in Fig. 8, different PBL scheme forecasts the TC with different warm-core structures including the maximum temperature anomaly, the temperature gradient in the eye wall, and the humidity in the eye wall and eye. Obviously, the stronger TC corresponds to the warmer warm core that exists at the upper levels of eye, the greater temperature gradient in the eye wall, and the greater humidity difference between the eye wall and eye. The smaller eye and the narrower eye wall also accompany the stronger TC. For the stronger TC, all these factors make the eye warmer and drier. In addition, the eye wall gradually extends outward from the lower to the upper levels, and stronger TC corresponds to the smaller outward extension of the eye wall.
Figure 9 shows the evolution of the warm core structure predicted by different PBL schemes, which is consistent with the evolution of the vortex structure as shown in Fig. 4. Before 24 h, the average potential temperatures predicted by the 6 schemes all increase slowly, and at 24 h, they are not much different. After 24 h, the increases of the potential temperatures all accelerate, and the stronger the predicted TC, the faster and higher the rise of the potential temperature. The potential temperature by using the YSU (ACM2) scheme first (finally) reaches 362 K. In addition, the stronger the predicted TC, the narrower the region with the high potential temperature, and the greater the potential temperature gradient.
TC development requires continuous supply of heat and water vapor. Generally, the larger the surface upward heat flux and water vapor flux, the stronger the TC. Fig. 10 shows the forecasted surface heat flux and water vapor flux in the inner core region at 48 h for Rammasun by the 6 PBL schemes. As shown in Fig. 10, among the 6 schemes, the weakest TC predicted by the ACM2 scheme has both the smallest surface heat flux and water vapor flux. The strongest TC by the YSU scheme has the largest heat flux, but its water vapor flux is smaller than that by the MYJ scheme. In addition, although the TC by using the UW scheme is obviously stronger than that by using the MYJ scheme at 48 h as shown in Fig. 3 and Fig. 5, the water vapor flux by the UW scheme is smaller than that by using the MYJ scheme, and the heat flux that by using the UW scheme is almost as big as by using the MYJ scheme.
Figure 10. The same as in Fig. 5, but for the 48-h forecasted surface heat flux (color shading; W m−2) and water vapor flux (contours; g m-2 s-1).
With ascending motion, the surface water vapor rises to a certain height and then condenses to form precipitation. Precipitation amount is related to the amount of surface upward water vapor and the strength of convective activity. Generally, larger precipitation corresponds to larger water vapor flux, stronger convective activity, and stronger TC.
Figure 11 shows the forecasted 1-h (47-48 h) precipitation for Rammasun by using the 6 PBL schemes. As shown in Fig. 11, among the 6 schemes, the weakest TC predicted by using the ACM2 scheme has the smallest precipitation. The TC by the UW scheme, which is only 1 m s-1 weaker than the strongest TC by the YSU scheme at 48 h, has the largest precipitation. However, its water vapor flux is not the largest. The TC by using the MYJ scheme has the largest water vapor flux as shown in Fig. 10, but its precipitation is smaller than that by using the UW and YSU schemes obviously. The non-correspondence between the precipitation and the water vapor is due to many factors including the PBL height.
Figure 11. The forecasted 1-h (47-48 h) precipitation (mm) for Rammasun by the 6 PBL schemes: (a) YSU, (b) MYJ, (c) MYNN2, (d) ACM2, (e) BouLac and (f) UW.
Figure 12 shows the radial distribution of the forecasted axisymmetric 1-h (47-48 h) time-averaged PBL height for Rammasun by using the 6 PBL schemes. As shown in Fig. 12, the difference of the PBL heights predicted by using the 6 schemes is very large. Among the predictions, the TC predicted by using the UW scheme has the lowest PBL height, much lower than that by using other schemes. The weakest TC by using the ACM2 scheme has the highest PBL height outside the eye wall. The PBL height by using the MYJ scheme is the highest within the eyewall, and is only lower than the highest PBL height by using the ACM2 scheme outside the eyewall.
Figure 12. The radial distribution of the forecasted axisymmet‐ ric 1-h (47-48 h) time-averaged PBL height (m) for Ramma‐ sun by the 6 PBL schemes. Colors indicate the PBL schemes used.
The PBL is the transition zone and the exchange channel between the surface and the atmosphere. With the airflow ascending, the surface heat and water vapor pass through the PBL and enter the atmosphere. Generally, under the same conditions, the higher the PBL height, the more the loss of the heat and water vapor before entering the atmosphere.
Among the predictions of the 6 PBL schemes, the TC predicted by the UW scheme has the lowest PBL height, which makes the loss of its water vapor much less than that by other schemes. On the other hand, as shown in Fig. 7, it has the largest vertical upward wind, and at the lower levels, its inflow wind is as large as that by the YSU scheme, much larger than those by other schemes. All these factors help to transport more water vapor to the upper atmosphere and reinforce the convective activity, and then generate more precipitation. Therefore, although the water vapor flux by the UW scheme is not the largest, its effective water vapor is the largest, which makes its precipitation the largest. For the strongest TC predicted by the YSU scheme, although its water vapor flux is as big as that by the UW scheme, its PBL height is much higher and its vertical upward wind is a little smaller than that by the UW scheme, which make its precipitation smaller than that by the UW scheme. However, its heat flux is larger than that by the UW scheme. These heat and water vapor transported upward from the surface contribute to TC development and strengthening.
The results of idealized HWRF simulations (Tang et al. [24]) show that corresponding to the greater intensity, the kinematic boundary layer height is noticeably smaller in the run by the MYJ scheme than that in the run by the GFS scheme. In our results, the TC predicted by the UW (YSU) scheme has the lowest (second lowest) PBL height as shown in Fig. 12, and the TC by these two schemes is the strongest as shown in Fig. 2(b). This result is roughly similar to that of Tang et al. .[24]