The AMDAR reports used in this study are provided by China Meteorological Administration (CMA). There are quality control (QC) codes for the AMDAR reports. Quality control is not the focus of this article, and we just apply it there, so we don't know the specific quality control process. In addition, the WRFDA will remove data in which OMB exceeds the observational error by 5 times. The number of these AMDAR reports in the Chinese region is far more than that in the Global Telecommunication System (GTS). The spatial and temporal distributions of the AMDAR observations on 22 August 2017 are displayed in Fig. 1. It is found that there were more AMDAR observations in central and eastern China, especially near large cities (Fig. 1a). Fig. 1b shows the temporal distributions of the AMDAR observations on 22 August 2017. It can be seen that the AMDAR observations mainly concentrated between 0300 UTC and 1500 UTC.
Figure 1. The distribution of AMDAR observations on 22 August 2017. (a) Spatial distribution (colors represent altitude), and (b) temporal distribution.
The frequency of temperature and wind speed differences between AMDAR and ERA-Interim from 0000 UTC 25 August 2017 to 1800 UTC 5 November 2017 are shown in Fig. 2. It is found that the frequencies follow the Gaussian distribution, with average values of -0.118 ℃ and 0.628 m s-1, respectively.
The procedure used to estimate observational error is to calculate the root mean square (RMS) differences between AMDAR and ERA Interim. The RMS differences at small spatial and temporal separation include contributions from observational error of both aircraft (σAMDAR1, σAMDAR2) and from mesoscale variability within that small separation[13]:
$$ \sigma_{\text {total }}^{2}(h)=\sigma_{\text {AMDAR1 }}^{2}(h)+\sigma_{\text {AMDAR2 }}^{2}(h)+2 \sigma_{\text {meso }}^{2} $$ (1) where σtotal (h) is the RMS difference between two reports (AMDAR and ERA-Interim) at altitude (h) and σmeso is mesoscale variability.
Researchers point out that the AMDAR observational error is also influenced by wind speed [1, 3]. Therefore, in the study, the observational error is expanded as a function of altitude and wind speed:
$$ \boldsymbol{\sigma}_{\text {total }}^{2}(h, s p)=\sigma_{\text {AMDAR1 }}^{2}(h, s p)+\sigma_{\text {AMDAR2 }}^{2}(h, s p)+2 \sigma_{\text {meso }}^{2} $$ (2) where σtotal(h, sp) is the RMS difference between AMDAR and ERA-Interim at altitude (h) and wind speed (sp), σmeso is mesoscale variability and it can be ignored when the spatial and temporal separation between the two data is small. If the mesoscale variability is zero, Eq. (2) can be expressed as
$$ \sigma_{\text {total }}^{2}(h, s p)=\sigma_{\text {AMDAR1 }}^{2}(h, s p)+\sigma_{\text {AMDAR2 }}^{2}(h, s p) $$ (3) Further assume that there is no correlated error between two AMDAR reports from two different aircrafts and the expected error from each aircraft is equal (σAMDAR1(h, sp)=σAMDAR2(h, sp)). The observational error for an individual aircraft may be estimated as
$$ \sigma_{\text {ANDAR }}(h, s p)=\sigma_{\text {total }}(h, s p) / \sqrt{2}. $$ (4) -
Employing Eq. (4), the observational error are calculated, using the AMDAR reports and ERA-Interim from 25 August 2017 to 5 November 2017. The change with height of the temperature and wind speed error for AMDAR are shown in Fig. 3. The WRFDA system provides default observations for various observations, and it is found that the default observational errors (black lines) of wind speed and temperature in the WRFDA for AMDAR are fixed as 3.6 m s-1 and 1 K respectively. Fig. 3 indicates the magnitude of observational error of NOAA(red line). The observational error of NOAA was estimated by the same method as the one used in this article, but it was obtained by counting American aircraft reports [13]. The present study (Blue line) is similar to NOAA's study in that their values are both smaller than the default value in the WRFDA; the observational errors of this study and NOAA are both altitude dependent. There are only about 200 samples at the highest level. It may lead to unstable statistics, so there is a jump at high altitudes in the red line. And the area and amount of sample data will affect the statistical results of observational errors. The observational error of the red line is compared with sounding data, and the observational error of the red line is compared with ERA-interim. On the other hand, the sample of the observational error of the red line is from North America, which is somewhat different from China. Thus, there is a slight difference between the observational error of the red line and the observational error of the blue line.
Figure 3. AMDAR observational error change with height. Black solid lines represent default value of WRFDA, red solid lines rep-resent statistical value of NOAA, and blue solid lines represent statistical value of this study. (a) Observational error in wind speed; (b) temperature observational error; (c) total number of AMDAR observations used for statistics at different altitude.
Figure 4 shows the variation of temperature and AMDAR wind speed observational errors with wind speed. It can be seen that the magnitude of the observational error in the wind speed of Ding (red line, the observational error of Ding was estimated by comparing sounding with AMDAR reports) and this study (blue line) are similar; the observational error in the wind speeds of this study and Ding are both smaller than the default value in the WRFDA (black line); the observational error in the wind speeds of Ding and this study both obviously increase with wind speed while the default observational error in the WRFDA is constant. However, the temperature observational error of this study has different trends compared with that of Ding.
Figure 4. AMDAR observational error change with wind height. Black solid lines represent default value of WRFDA, red solid lines represent statistical value of Ding, and blue solid lines represent statistical value of this study. (a) Observational error in wind speed; (b) temperature observational error.
As discussed earlier, the AMDAR observational error may depend on wind speed and altitude. This study aims to design a set of wind speed and altitude dependent AMDAR observational error (Table 1), and replace the default AMDAR observational error in the WRFDA with the new observational error of Table 1. The new observational error scheme (Table 1) is speed and altitude dependent, so it has certain differences with Figs. 3 and 4. Almost at all heights, observational error in wind speed decreases with wind speed and slightly decreases with altitude. Observational error in temperature does not change significantly with the wind speed below 6km and decreases with the wind speed above 6km; observational error in temperature obviously decreases with altitude. In general, the observational error in wind speed changes more obviously with the wind speed, and the observational error in temperature changes more obviously with height.
Altitude (km) < 0.8 0.8-2 2-4 4-6 6-8 >8 Wind speed(m s-1) Wind speed (m s-1) Wind speed(m s-1) Temperature error (℃) < 3 0.918 0.833 0.705 < 4 0.639 0.44 < 6 0.458 3-6 0.888 0.763 0.692 4-8 0.592 0.465 6-12 0.470 6-9 0.927 0.768 0.685 8-12 0.580 0.511 12-18 0.529 >9 0.960 0.842 0.687 >12 0.593 0.571 >18 0.641 Wind peed error (m s-1) < 3 1.321 1.275 1.201 < 4 1.211 1.145 < 6 1.366 3-6 1.655 1.618 1.433 4-8 1.460 1.446 6-12 1.853 6-9 2.115 2.098 1.793 8-12 1.841 1.794 12-18 2.316 >9 3.043 3.048 2.971 >12 2.666 2.092 >18 1.924 Table 1. Wind speed and altitude dependent AMDAR observational (σ-NEW).
2.1. AMDAR observations
2.2. Observational error estimation method
2.3. Comparison of different observational errors
The version 3.8 of the Advanced Research WRF Model (ARW-WRF, hereinafter WRF) [14] is used as the forecasting model in this study. All experiments are based on the WRF Data Assimilation (WRFDA) three-dimensional variational data (3DVAR) assimilation system. Doubly-nested domains with horizontal resolutions of 9 and 3 km, and with grid points of 649× 500 and 550 × 424 for outer domain and inner domain respectively are employed (Fig. 5). The domain is configured with 50 vertical levels and a 50hPa top. The main physics parameterization schemes include the WRF Single Moment 6-class (WSM6) microphysics scheme [15], the Yonsei University (YSU) boundary layer scheme [16], the Rapid Radiative Transfer Model (RRTM) longwave radiation scheme [17], the Dudhia shortwave radiation scheme [18] and the Noah land-surface model [19]. The Kain-Fritsch cumulus scheme [20] is only used in the outer domain.
The background error covariance used in this study is calculated by the NMC method [21]. Two month 12h and 24 h forecasts from 1 September 2018 to 31 October 2018 are used to calculate background error covariance. The CV_UV is selected as control variable option. The control variables are U, V, Ps, T, and RHs. CV_UV did not consider the multivariate correlation. Researches show the control variables of CV_ψχ with that of CV_UV in the 3DVAR system and conclude that CV_UV performs better than the CV_ψχ in limited area convection-scale data assimilation[22-23].
To investigate the influence of new AMDAR observational error on NWP forecasts, this study presents two groups of two-month 3-hourly cycling data assimilation and forecast experiments during 0000 UTC 1 September 2017-2100 UTC 31 October 2017 (Table 2). The CTL (Control) assimilates the AMDAR observations using the default observational error in WRFDA (σ - Default), and the NEW assimilates the AMDAR observations using new observational error (σ-NEW) (Table 1). The first forecast cycle uses the NCEP global forecast system (GFS) analysis interpolated onto the 9 km domain (Fig. 5) at 2100 UTC each day to create the initial conditions, and then spin-up to 0000 UTC the next day. Subsequent data assimilation cycles are run every 3h from 0000 UTC to 2100 UTC with the 24-h forecasts initialized at each cycle (Fig. 6). The 3-h forecasts of WRF issued from the previous analysis are used as the background.
Experiment AMDAR observational error Meteorological observations CTL Default value (σ-Default) AMDAR and GTS data NEW New value list in Table 1 (σ-NEW) AMDAR and GTS data Table 2. Experimental design.
3.1. Model and assimilation system
3.2. Background error covariance
3.3. Experimental Design
To analyze the influence of new observational error (σ - NEW) on analysis, pseudo single AMDAR observations tests using σ - Default and σ - NEW are performed. For each experiment, two pseudo observation pairs are introduced at the model grid point. The observation-background (O-B) of four pseudo observations are set to be equal; thus, analysis increments can partly reflect the structure of observational error. To discuss the influence of altitude dependent observational error on data assimilation, two pseudo AMDAR observations for A and B with the same wind speed (6.3 m s-1) are introduced at different model levels (Table 3). Similarly, two pseudo AMDAR observations for C and D at the same model level (12th level) are introduced with different wind speed (Table 3) to reflect the influence of wind speed dependent observational error on data assimilation.
Point Model level Wind speed (m s-1) O-B of v-wind (m s-1) O-B temperature (K) Altitude dependent A 15th 6.30 1.0 1.0 B 5th 6.30 1.0 1.0 Wind speed dependent C 12th 11.2 1.0 1.0 D 12th 3.888 1.0 1.0 Table 3. Pseudo single AMDAR observations.
Figure 7 shows the vertical profiles of analysis increment of v-wind by assimilating pseudo AMDAR observations at different altitudes with the same wind speed. The analysis increment of point A and point B in the experiment NEW using σ - NEW (Fig. 7b) is larger than that in the experiment CTL using σ - Default (Fig. 7a), because the observational error in the wind speed of σ - NEW is smaller than that of σ - Default and the background error covariance used in CTL and NEW are the same. It is found that, in experiment CTL, the analysis increment of v-wind at point A is smaller than that at point B (Fig. 7a), indicating that the background error of point A is smaller than that of point B, because vertical observational error of the σ-Default is constant. Nevertheless, the analysis increment of v-wind at point B is smaller than that at point A in experiment NEW (Fig. 7b), though the background error of point A is smaller than that of point B. It is because that the observational error in the wind speed of the σ-NEW is decreasing with altitude, the observational error in point A is smaller than that of point B.
Figure 7. The vertical profiles of analysis increment of v-wind by assimilating pseudo AMDAR observations at different altitudes with the same wind speed using σ-Default and σ-NEW respectively. (a) CTL, and (b) NEW. The O-B of v-wind are 1 m s-1 of A and B.
Figure 8 shows the vertical analysis increment of temperature by assimilating pseudo AMDAR observations at different altitudes with the same wind speed. Similarly, it shows the difference in the size of temperature analysis increments since temperature observational error of σ-NEW is smaller than that of σ-Default, and the difference in analysis increments with altitude indicates that temperature observational error of σ-NEW is altitude dependent.
Figure 8. The same as Fig. 7 but for temperature increment. (a) CTL, and (b) NEW. The O-B of temperature are 1 K of A and B.
Figure 9 shows the analysis increment of v-wind at the 12th level by assimilating pseudo AMDAR observations with different wind speeds at the same level. It can be seen that the analysis increment of point A and point B of v-wind in the experiment NEW using σ-NEW (Fig. 9b) is larger than that in the experiment CTL using σ - Default(Fig. 9a). This is because the observational error in the wind speed of σ - NEW is smaller than σ - Default since the domain averaged background error covariance is used in the study. It is found that the analysis increment of v-wind at point C is equal to that at point D (Fig. 9a) using σ - Default, because σ - Default is not wind speed dependent. However, it is found that the analysis increment of v-wind at point C is larger than that at point D using σ - NEW (Fig. 9b), indicating that the observational error of point C is smaller tthan that of point D. This is because the observational error in the wind speed of σ - NEW increases with the wind speed at this altitude (the σ - Default is constant).
Figure 9. Analysis increment of v-wind at 12th level by assimilating pseudo AMDAR observations with different wind speeds at the same level using σ-Default and σ-NEW respectively. (a) CTL, and (b) NEW. The O-B of v-wind are 1 m s-1 of C and D. Vector represents the wind field of the background.
Figure 10 displays the analysis increment of temperature at the 12th level by assimilating pseudo AMDAR observations with different wind speeds at the same level. Similarly, the difference in the size of temperature analysis increments are found since the temperature observational error of σ - NEW is smaller than that of σ - Default, and the difference in analysis increments with wind speed indicates that temperature observational error of σ-NEW is wind speed dependent. In short, the results of Fig. 7, Fig. 8, Fig. 9, and Fig. 10 indicate that altitude and wind speed dependent increments can be achieved due to the use of the altitude and wind speed dependent AMDAR observational error.
Figure 10. The same as Fig. 9 but for temperature increment. (a) CTL, and (b) NEW. The O-B of temperature are 1 K of C and D.