The national radar mosaics produced by the Chinese Meteorological Administration (CMA) were used to analyse the evolution of the precipitation system. The hourly rainfall estimates, sea level pressure, 2-min averaged surface wind speed and direction, and the surface temperature were obtained from the quality-controlled automated weather stations (AWSs) provided by the CMA. There were 2910 AWSs in south China (20° - 26° N, 109° - 118° E), with an average distance between them of approximately 10 km, and the observations are available every 1 h [40]. The NCEP FNL (Final) Operational Global Analysis data (gridded on 1°× 1°) provide atmospheric variables four times a day (0000, 0600, 1200 and 1800 UTC).
The Advanced Research WRF Model (version 4.0) [23] was used in this study. Simulations were performed over two-way nested domains with the horizontal grid spacing of 9 km in the innermost domain (Fig. 1). There were 33 terrain-following hydrostatic-pressure vertical levels in all domains, with a top level of 50 hPa. The model was initialized at 0800 BJT on 17 April 2011 with the initial and lateral boundary conditions provided by the NCEP FNL analysis. Both domains used the same physical parameterization schemes, including the WRF double-moment 6-class microphysics scheme [41], the rapid radiative transfer model with GCM applications (RRTMG) longwave radiation scheme [42], and the Grell-Devenyi ensemble cumulus parameterization scheme [43]. To investigate the sensitivity of different PBL and SL schemes in this case, the available suites of PBL and SL parameterization schemes were chosen to form an ensemble simulation (Table 1).
Figure 1. The two domains for the WRF simulations. Terrain heights (shaded; metres above the mean sea level) are also shown.
Member name SL scheme PBL scheme Member name SL scheme PBL scheme Mem1_s1p1 Revised MM5 YSU Mem7_s2p5 Eta similarity MYNN 2.5 Mem2_s1p5 Revised MM5 MYNN 2.5 Mem8_s2p8 Eta similarity BouLac Mem3_s1p7 Revised MM5 ACM2 Mem9_s5p5 MYNN MYNN 2.5 Mem4_s1p8 Revised MM5 BouLac Mem10_s5p6 MYNN MYNN 3 Mem5_s1p9 Revised MM5 UW Mem11_s7p7 Pleim-Xiu ACM2 Mem6_s2p2 Eta similarity MYJ Mem12_s10p10 TEMF TEMF Table 1. Experiments and the corresponding PBL and SL schemes selected in this study. The numbers following the"s"and"p"are the options in the WRF namelist.
The performance of the ensemble was examined using objective evaluation methods, including the threat score (TS), equitable threat score (ETS), probability of detection (POD), miss ratio (MISS), false alarm ratio (FAR), and root-mean square error (RMSE). The TS measures the fraction of observed and / or forecasted events that are correctly predicted. Its value depends on the climatological frequency of events (poorer scores for rarer events) since some hits can occur purely due to random chance. As an improved TS, the ETS measures not only the fraction of observed and / or forecasted events that are correctly predicted but also adjusts for hits associated with random chance. The ETS is unbiased because it penalizes both misses and false alarms in the same way. The POD is the ratio of correct forecasts to the total number of observations. The MISS measures the fraction of missed forecasts to all forecasts of the event, while the FAR answers the question of what fraction of the predicted hit events do not actually occur. The higher the values of the TS, ETS, and POD and the lower values of the MISS and FAR indicate a better forecast. The RMSE measures the difference between the observation and the forecast using the same equation as Eq (1) in Cohen et al. [8], which is formulated as Model forecasts and observations are indicated by ${Y_t^s}$ and ${Y_t^a}$, respectively, while T represents the domain grid size. Specifically, the RMSE can theoretically be as low as zero, representing a perfect forecast, with progressively higher values indicating poorer forecast quality. In the present study, the simulation results were interpolated onto the AWSs using the Cressman interpolation method[44] to calculate the domain-wide (20°- 26° N, 109° - 118° E) TS, ETS, POD, MISS, FAR and RMSE of the rainfall accumulation. The simulation that deviates the most from the observation will be analysed to investigate the error sources of the PBL and SFL schemes while forecasting torrential rainfall in this case, both from a dynamical and thermodynamic perspective.
$$ {\rm RMSE} = \frac{{\sqrt {\frac{1}{T}\sum\limits_{t = 1}^T {{{(Y_t^s - Y_t^a)}^2}} } }}{{\sqrt {\frac{1}{T}\sum\limits_{t = 1}^T {{{(Y_t^s)}^2}} } + \sqrt {\frac{1}{T}\sum\limits_{t = 1}^T {{{(Y_t^a)}^2}} } }} $$ (1)
2.1. Data and model configuration
2.2. Evaluation methods
The performance of the ensemble was first evaluated to examine the predictability of this torrential rainfall case. Good and bad members were further distinguished to investigate the possible influence that different suites of the PBL and SL parameterizations available in WRF model have on simulating the torrential rain over south China. To identify the sources of bias and errors that affect the initiation and development of the convection, we distinguished the good and bad members according to the following criteria. (a) The simulation captured the convective system over coastal area of Guangdong and the stratiform precipitation system over northern Guangdong during the mature stage of the MCS (Fig. 2d). (b) The simulated accumulative rainfall captured the peak rainfall regions at the PRD region as those observed (Fig. 3a).
Figure 6 shows the simulated rainfall accumulation for the 12 WRF ensemble members, as described in Table 1. Compared to the observations, 11 out of the 12 members captured the major spatial patterns of the rainfall accumulation, which was primarily concentrated over the PRD. The observed feature of the northwest-southeastward rain band was also visible in some members, which was indicated by a secondary rainfall centre to the northwest of the PRD (i.e., Figs. 6b, d, f, g, h, i, and l). All of the members whose rainfall accumulations were concentrated over the PRD showed an underestimated rainfall amount (Fig. 6a-k; termed as a good member). The member that overestimated the rainfall amount also largely overestimated the spatial coverage of rainfall around the coastal area of Guangdong Province (i.e., member s10p10, as shown in Fig. 6l; termed as a bad member). Overall, most of the simulated rainfall accumulations were reasonably comparable with the observations, suggesting a relatively high predictability for this torrential rainfall event.
Figure 6. Rainfall accumulation (shaded; mm) from 0900 to 2300 BJT on 17 April 2011 corresponding to the 12 WRF ensemble members, as shown in Table 1.
Further analysis shows that the evolution of the MCS that was responsible for the torrential rainfall was well captured by the simulations. The 11 good members not only reproduced the MCS (denoted by the ellipse in Fig. 2a) to the northwest of Guangdong Province but also generally well simulated the well-organized MCS parallel to the coastline and the stratiform precipitation system over the north of Guangdong Province at its mature stage (Figs. 7a-k and 2d). Although the bad member s10p10 also captured the orientation of the MCS, it modelled a more intense and compact linear precipitation system. In addition to the simulation failure of the scattered convection, the bad member largely overestimated convection to the southwest of the PRD (Fig. 7l).
Figure 7. Simulated composite radar reflectivity (shaded; dBZ) at 1500 BJT on 17 April 2011 for the 12 WRF ensemble members, as shown in Table 1.
The relative impacts of PBL and SL schemes on simulating the torrential rain case was examined in this study. This issue was addressed by the comparison of quantitative differences between paired simulations defined by the same PBL or SL scheme. The paired simulations that have the same PBL scheme but different SL schemes were categorized into the"SL-diff"group (e.g., pair s1p5 and s5p5, pair s2p5 and s5p5, as shown in Table 2), while the paired simulations with the same SL scheme but different PBL schemes were categorized into the"PBL-diff"group (e.g., pair s1p1 and s1p5, pair s1p1 and s1p7, as shown in Table 2). There is a total of 5 pairs of simulations in the SL-diff group and 14 pairs in the PBL-diff group. The"pair-RMSE"was calculated to quantitively measure the difference between the simulations in one pair, following the same equation introduced in section 2.2. Generally, the pair-RMSE in the PBL-diff group varied from 9.27 to 14.05 mm, with an average of 11.31 mm, while the pair-RMSE in the SL-diff group varied from 7.57 to 11.09 mm, with an average of 8.69 mm. These results suggest that the simulations with the same PBL schemes are more similar to each other than those with different PBL schemes, indicating a more significant impact of the boundary layer process on torrential rainfall.
PBL-diff group (14) s1p1 and s1p5; s1p1 and s1p7; s1p1 and s1p8; s1p1 and s1p9; s1p5 and s1p7; s1p5 and s1p8; s1p5 and s1p9; s1p7 and s1p8; s1p7 and s1p9; s1p8 and s1p9; s2p2 and s2p5; s2p2 and s2p8; s2p5 and s2p8; s5p5 and s5p6 SL-diff group (5) s1p5 and s5p5; s1p5 and s2p5; s2p5 and s5p5; s1p7 and s7p7; s1p8 and s2p8 Table 2. The pairs in the"PBL-diff"group with the same SL schemes but different PBL schemes, and the"SL-diff group"with the same PBL schemes but different SL schemes.
Several objective evaluation methods were applied to provide a thorough assessment of the performance of the ensemble. The RMSE, which was used to indicate the deviation between the observations and the simulation, generally showed an approximate 0.5 mm difference for the whole domain for most of the simulations (Fig. 8a). Most of the simulations presented a POD value of ~0.8 at the threshold of 0.1 mm, a ~0.6 POD value at the threshold of 5 mm, a ~0.5 POD value at the threshold of 10 mm, and a ~0.4 POD value at the threshold of 25 mm (Fig. 8b). These results suggested that the ensemble reproduced the actual rain area with a reasonable rainfall amount. The TSs were also comparable among most of the simulations (Fig. 8c). With lower MISS and FAR values (Fig. 8e and 8f), the TS at the threshold of 0.1 mm could reach 0.6. At higher thresholds (i. e., 25 mm), due to the higher MISS and FAR values, the TSs of all simulations were smaller than 0.2 (Fig. 8c, 8e, and 8f). In contrast, the non-bias of the ETS allows the scores to be more fairly compared among different regimes by penalizing both miss and false alarms in the same way. The ETS values were significantly smaller than the TS values due to the stricter definition of the ETS and its double penalization (Fig. 8c and 8d). Most of the ETS values at the threshold of 0.1 mm were significantly smaller than those at a higher threshold (Fig. 8d) because it is easier to correctly forecast the rain occurrence in wet versus dry cases. Thus, random chance comprises a larger proportion of the hits. When the forecasted hits remove random chance, the actual hits would possibly lead to the reduction in the ETS. The ETSs at the threshold of 10 mm and 25 mm can reach 0.2, suggesting a good performance of the simulations. Overall, the simulations show relatively high skill scores, indicating a high predictability of this rainfall event.
Figure 8. Objective evaluation of rainfall accumulation from 0900 to 2300 BJT on 17 April 2011. (a) Root mean square error (RMSE), (b) probability of detection (POD), (c) threat score (TS), (d) equitable treat score (ETS), (e) missing ratio (MISS), and (f) false alarm ratio (FAR). The grey, red, light blue, blue and green bars indicate the thresholds of total rainfall, as well as 0.1, 5, 10 and 25-mm rainfall, respectively.
By separately comparing the performances of each simulation, the member s10p10 was found to be significantly different from others. Consistent with the analysis in section 4.1.2, the quantitative differences among the 11 good members are comparable in terms of the RMSE, POD, TS, ETS, MISS, and FAR (Fig. 8). The RMSE of member s10p10, which uses the TEMF scheme for both the PBL and SL parameterizations, was evidently larger than that of other members. Such a significant RMSE difference is mainly induced by the overestimation of both spatial coverage and amount of rainfall. With a larger area of intense rainfall compared with the observation, the member s10p10 would always achieve a higher POD and a lower MISS because the POD and MISS are only sensitive to hits when ignoring false alarms (Fig. 8b and 8e). The TS for the member s10p10 at the threshold of 0.1 mm was significantly higher than that for the other members, which shows a similar feature to the POD (Fig. 8b and 8c). The possible reason for this similarity is that the TS only concerns the forecasts that count; that is, the correct negative values have been removed from consideration. The ETS of the member s10p10, on the contrary, was significantly smaller than that of other members at various thresholds (Fig. 8d). Such a smaller ETS is a result of the severe overestimation of rainfall, which is also indicated by its higher FAR (Fig. 8f).
It is well acknowledged that the evaluation result is highly dependent on the evaluation methods. A comprehensive method should provide a more reliable result. In this case, the ETS and RMSE took not only the rainfall coverage into account but also the rainfall amount. The ETS not only equally punishes both the miss and false alarm but also considers random chance. Consequently, the ETS is widely used in evaluating forecast performance. The results based on the ETS and RMSE show that the performance of member s10p10 is significantly different from that of other members given the overestimation of rainfall occurrence and rainfall amount. To investigate the mechanism of the evident simulation bias of member s10p10, some environmental conditions will be further discussed in the next section.
To investigate why the bad member s10p10 (using the TEMF scheme) produced intensive rainfall over a vast spatial coverage, a good member (s1p1) that applied widely used YSU PBL scheme and the revised MM5 SL scheme [46] (Table 1) was analysed as a reference. Fig. 9 shows the evolution of the observed and simulated precipitation system in terms of reflectivity. As described in section 3, the observed precipitation system that was responsible for the torrential rainfall arrived at the northwest border of Guangdong Province at 0900 BJT, which was also captured by both members s1p1 and s10p10 (Fig. 9a). At 0930 BJT, intense convection was initiated to the south of the focused precipitation system and rapidly grew both in size and intensity for the member s10p10 in half an hour (Fig. 9b3). This faked convection rapidly developed to become a long squall line in the next 3 h and became the dominant precipitation system in Guangdong Province (Figs. 9d and e3). It almost covered the western Guangdong Province and caused severe rainfall over the study area (Fig. 6l). Meanwhile, the evolution of the simulation using the s1p1 scheme was similar to that via the observations (Fig. 9), except that this simulation was delayed one hour compared to the observation. Overall, the overestimated convection in member s10p10 was a result of the spurious CI, which subsequently and rapidly grew upscale and caused torrential rainfall in Guangdong Province.
Figure 9. Composite radar reflectivity (shaded; dBZ) at (a) 0900, (b) 1000, (c) 1100, (d) 1200, and (e) 1300 BJT on 17 April 2011 for the (top) observations, (middle) ensemble member s1p1, and (bottom) member s10p10. The black line in (b3) indicates the location of convection initiation and the vertical sections for Fig. 10.
Figure 10 shows the south-north vertical section of equivalent potential temperature (θe) across the spurious CI cell in member s10p10. At the initial model time, the θe patterns were similar in both the good member s1p1 and bad member s10p10 (Fig. 10a and e). The θe and wind fields in member s1p1 evolved subtly in the following hours (Fig. 10a - d), while in member s10p10 at 0900 BJT, southerlies at ~0.8-1.2 km above sea level were visibly enhanced and induced a high - θe tongue tilting along the mountain slope. This pattern also converged with the near-surface low - θe northerlies, and the high - θe southerlies were uplifted to achieve a buoyant updraft and initiate deep moisture convection (Fig. 10g and 10h). Consequently, the spurious CI simulated by the bad member s10p10 was a result of the overestimated high-θe elevated air to the south of the CI location.
Figure 10. Vertical cross sections of equivalent potential temperature (shaded; K) and horizontal winds along the black line in Fig. (8b3) for (a-d) the ensemble member s1p1 and (e-h) ensemble member s10p10 at (a, e) 0800, (b, f) 0830, (c, g) 0900, and (d, h) 0930 BJT on 17 April 2011. The terrain heights are shaded in white at the bottom.
Further analysis was performed to examine the simulated environmental conditions that favoured the spurious CI and the subsequent convective development. Fig. 11 presents the differences in some commonly used thermodynamic variables at the CI time between the good member s1p1 and the bad member s10p10. The thermodynamic environment in member s10p10 was overall moister and more unstable than that of member s1p1. The surface temperature of s10p10 was generally ~ 2 K higher than that of s1p1, especially around the position of the spurious CI and the PRD region (Fig. 11a). The simulated specific humidity in member s10p10 was also found to be ~1.5 g kg-1 greater than that of member s1p1 near the CI location (Fig. 11b). With warmer and moister PBL conditions in s10p10, the convective available potential energy (CAPE) (or equivalent potential temperature) in s10p10 was significantly greater than that of s1p1, especially around the CI region (Fig. 11c and d). Such a thermodynamically favourable PBL environment was greatly beneficial for the subsequent CI and the rapid upscale growth of triggered convection. It seems that the TEMF scheme tended to produce a warmer and moister PBL environment, which was also suggested by Wang et al. (2014) [36], in which the WRF simulations using different PBL schemes were assessed. The vertical profile extracted at the CI location also showed that the major difference in thermodynamic conditions between the members s10p10 and s1p1 existed at low levels (Fig. 12). The ambient temperature below ~700 hPa in the bad member s10p10 was evidently higher than that for the good member s1p1.
Figure 11. Difference between the ensemble members s1p1 and s10p10 (s10p10 - s1p1) for (a) 2-m temperature (T2; K), (b) 2-m specific humidity (Q2; g kg-1), (c) surface-based convective available potential energy (CAPE; J kg-1), and (d) 2-m equivalent potential energy (θe; K) at 0930 BJT. The black triangles indicate the locations of spurious convection initiation in the member s10p10.
Figure 12. Vertical profiles for the ensemble members s1p1 (red) and s10p10 (blue) for (a) temperature (T; K), (b) specific humidity (Qv; kg kg-1), (c) equivalent potential temperature (θe; K), and (d) moist static energy (MSE; J kg-1) at the locations indicated by the triangles in Fig. 11.
Previous studies have examined the performance of the TEMF scheme from idealized and realistic experiments [30, 47]. The NWP model using the TEMF parameterization tends to dry the subcloud layer and moisten the lower cloud layer more than the models that purely run for large eddy simulation (LES) (i.e., without PBL parameterization). There was a tendency for the TEMF to move more moisture out of the subcloud layer and into the lower cloud layer, drying the subcloud layer and moistening the lower cloud layer slightly more than the situation in the LES framework [30, 47]. Such processes lead to a strong moisture contrast in the vertical profile, which may deviate from the realistic profile. On the other hand, the results of the present study also suggest that the TEMF scheme tends to produce greater instability (i. e., higher temperature and larger CAPE) than other schemes for this subtropical case. More importantly, the TEMF scheme used the mass-flux (MF) approach for the parameterization of shallow and deep moist convection [48]. The MF closure was able to represent what we refer to as nonlocal transport due to the strong thermals. The main advantage of this method was that it naturally allowed for a scheme for the cloud-topped boundary layer by allowing the moisture in the strong updraft to condense. In such a case, the updraft model is always active and determined independently of whether these updrafts become cloud-core updrafts. Therefore, when the updraft motion was triggered by the terrain, the condensation of moisture released latent heating in the lower to middle levels. The spurious CI in this study was a result of positive feedback among lower-level convergence, upward motion, latent heat release, and surface pressure decrease.
Compared to this new applied scheme of WRF, the traditional PBL scheme, such as the YSU scheme (s1p1 in this study) applied in WRF model since 2004 [24] was more widely used. This scheme was an improved vertical diffusion package with a nonlocal turbulent mixing coefficient, compared to what Hong and Pan implemented [16], which revealed a consistent improvement in the skill of precipitation forecasts over the continental United States [49]. The YSU scheme was proved to produce a more realistic structure of the PBL and its development. Consequently, it did a better job in reproducing the convective inhibition and CAPE, which would reduce the widespread light precipitation and improve some characteristics such as the intensity of convection [24]. During the annually first rainy season, the prevailing low-atmosphere monsoonal flows with moist and warm air provided favorable thermodynamic conditions for the CI in Guangdong Province. Additionally, the interaction of onshore monsoons and the mountainous orography over this region was conducive to the mesoscale lift. In such environmental conditions, the improved representation of convective inhibition and CAPE in the YSU scheme would be expectant to successfully prevent the faked CI produced in TEMF experiment. Therefore, the YSU scheme may be more suitable for simulating the torrential rain over South China during the monsoon season.