ISSN 1006-8775CN 44-1409/P

    A Precipitation Detection Method for MWTS-Ⅱ Radiance Assimilation in Typhoon Simulation

    • FY-3C Microwave Temperature Sounder Ⅱ (MWTS-Ⅱ) lacks observations at 23.8 GHz, 31 GHz and 89 GHz, making it difficult to remove the data contaminated by precipitation in assimilation. In this paper, a fast forward operator based on the Community Radiative Transfer Model (CRTM) was used to analyze the relationship between the observation minus background simulation (O-B) and the cloud fractions in different MWTS-Ⅱ channels. In addition, based on the community Gridpoint Statistical Interpolation (GSI) system, the radiation brightness temperature of the MWTS-Ⅱ was assimilated in the regional Numerical Weather Prediction (NWP) model. In the process of assimilation, Visible and Infrared Radiometer (VIRR) cloud detection products were matched to MWTS-Ⅱ pixels for precipitation detection. For typhoon No. 18 in 2014, impact tests of MWTS-Ⅱ data assimilation was carried out. The results show that, though the bias observation minus analysis (O-A) of assimilated data can be reduced by quality control only with | O-B | < 3K; however, the O-A becomes much smaller while the precipitation detection is performed with Fvirr < 0.9 (VIRR cloud fraction threshold of 0.9). Besides, the change of the environmental field around the typhoon is more conducive to make the simulated track closer to the observation. The 72-hour typhoon track simulation error also shows that, after the precipitation detection, the error of simulated typhoon track is significantly reduced, which reflects the validity of a precipitation detection method based on a double criterion of | O-B | < 3K and Fvirr < 0.9.
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