Similar to the work of Xu and Chan [33], the horizontal wind (u, v) is divided into vertical mean (um, v m) and vertical shear (us, vs) values, which are the amount of deviation from the vertical average at each level. The shear kinetic energy [Ks = (us2 + vs2)/2] in summer between June and August averaged over the period 1958-2018 shows two strong activity centers, one over the middle latitudes of the Asian landmass and the other over South Asia (Fig. 1). However, the time evolution of these two centers is different. The K s in South Asia (boxed area in Fig. 1) increases significantly in midMay, peaks in July and August, and then decreases in September (Fig. 2). This period corresponds to the active SASM. In contrast, mid-latitude Ks on the Asian continent are closely related to seasonal variations of planetary latitudinal winds in the Northern Hemisphere (NH), with the weakest in July and August and the strongest in December and January (Xu and Chan [33]).
Figure 1. .Kinetic energy of the vertical shear flow (Ks) averaged between June and August for the period of 1958-2018. Units: m2 s-2, contour interval 10 m2 s-2. Shading indicates values > 50 m2 s-2. The thick box indicates the area of South Asia.
Figure 2. Monthly evolution of Ks averaged over South Asia (0-20ºN, 40ºE-100ºE) for strong monsoon episodes (dashed, red), weak monsoon episodes (dotted, green) and the average between 1958 and 2018 (solid, blue). The horizontal line (37 m2 s-2) is the annual average Ks for this 61-year period.
Xu and Chan believed that K s in South Asia should be a good indicator of SASM activities [33]. The average Ks in the region (0-20ºN, 40ºE-100ºE) from June to August is used as the South Asian summer monsoon index (SASMI), and the standard SASMI value can be calculated.
The interannual variation of the SASMI shows that between 1958-2018 there existed 16 strong monsoon episodes (standardized SASMI > 0.5): 1960, 1961, 1970, 1975, 1977, 1978, 1980, 1984, 1985, 1988, 1994, 1998, 2001, 2006, 2017, 2018; and 16 weak monsoon episodes (standardized SASMI < - 0.5): 1962, 1963, 1965, 1972, 1974, 1979, 1983, 1987, 1989, 1992, 1993, 1997, 2002, 2009, 2011, 2015 (Fig. 3). Note that the SASMI shows a substantial interdecadal variation, but the interdecadal component will not be removed because the interdecadal variation trend is not consistent in different elements of the air-sea systems (Fig. 3).
Figure 3. Interannual variation of the standardized South Asian summer monsoon index (SASMI) for the period of 1958-2018."E"-El Niño years, "L"-La Niña years.
The climatological annual mean (37 m2 s-2) of Ks over South Asia can be used as a threshold to define the onset (Ks > 37m2 s-2) and retreat (Ks < 37 m2 s-2) of the SASM. Based on this criterion, the average onset date of strong (weak) monsoon episodes is around May 10 (May 20) and the ending date is around September 15 (September 3). The persistent period is around 4 (3) months. It is clear that the strong monsoon episodes have not only a stronger intensity but also a longer duration (Fig. 2).
An El Niño event is identified if the 5-month running-average of the Niño 3.4 index exceeds 0.5 for 5 months or more. According to this method, if the index greater than 0.5 is interrupted for two months or more, the two events are considered to be discontinuous; if the interval is one month, and the 3-month moving average of the Niño 3.4 index for the month exceeds 0.5, it is considered that the front and back events are continuous, otherwise it is not continuous. Similarly, the Niño 3.4 index is less than -0.5 for La Niña events. From Fig. 3, it can also be seen that in the 19 El Niño years from 1958 to 2018, 8 events were in weak monsoon years, 8 in normal monsoon years and 3 in a strong monsoon year. In contrast, of the 19 La Niña years, 6 events were in strong monsoon years, 11 in normal monsoon years and 2 in a weak monsoon year. The relationship between SASM and ENSO can therefore be categorized into nine patterns: weak monsoon - El Niño (WM-EN), weak monsoon - non ENSO (WM-NE), weak monsoon - La Niña (WM-LN), normal monsoon - El Niño (NM-EN), normal monsoon - non ENSO (NM-NE), normal monsoon - La Niña (NM-LN), strong monsoon - El Niño (SM-EN), strong monsoon - non ENSO (SM-NE), and strong monsoon - La Niña (SM-LN).
Since the SM-EN and WM-LN patterns seldom occur and the NM-NE pattern is just the "normal'' case, only the other six patterns will be examined in detail. These years are listed in Table 1.
Patterns Years WM-EN 1963, 1965, 1972, 1987, 1997, 2002, 2009, 2015 NM-EN 1958, 1968, 1969, 1976, 1982, 1986, 1991, 2004 WM-NE 1962, 1979, 1983, 1989, 1992, 1993 SM-LN 1970, 1975, 1984, 1988, 1998, 2017 NM-LN 1964, 1971, 1973, 1995, 1999, 2000, 2005, 2007, 2008, 2010, 2016 SM-NE 1960, 1961, 1978, 1980, 1985, 2001, 2018 Table 1. The years are listed according to the categories of the relationship between SASM and ENSO. The abbreviations are as follows: weak monsoon (WM), normal monsoon (NM), strong monsoon (SM), El Niño (EN), non ENSO (NE), and La Niña (LN).
Note that because ENSO events always mature during the winter, these patterns actually indicate the relationship between the previous SASM and following ENSO events.
3.1. Shear kinetic energy and the South Asian summer monsoon
3.2. Relationship with ENSO events
To understand the relationship between the SASM and ENSO events, the low-level (850hPa) and upperlevel (200hPa) circulations are composited for each pattern averaged over the summer period (June - August).
For the WM-EN pattern (Fig. 4a), the tropical South Asian monsoon area (west of 100ºE) is dominated by easterly anomalies and anticyclonic flow is found over the Indian continent. Over the western North Pacific, westerly anomalies prevail over the equatorial area (east of 130ºE), and an Inter-Tropical Convergence Zone (ITCZ) appears around 15ºN. The center of anomalous subtropical high is located near 30ºN.
Figure 4. Composite 850hPa wind anomalies averaged between June and August in (a) weak monsoon-El Niño episodes (WM-EN), (b) normal monsoon-El Niño episodes (NM-EN), (c) weak monsoon-non ENSO episodes (WM-NE), (d) strong monsoon-La Niña episodes (SM-LN), (e) normal monsoon-La Niña episodes (NM-LN), and (f) strong monsoon-non ENSO episodes (SM-NE) years. The shaded areas indicate the t value in zonal wind anomalies exceeding significantly the confidence level of 0.10.
For the NM-EN pattern (Fig. 4b), the circulation anomalies over the western North Pacific is similar to that in the WM-EN pattern except for the intensity of the anomalous anticyclone. In contrast, the circulation over the South Asian monsoon area shows a different feature, with the westerly anomalies over the Bay of Bengal and the most part of the Indian continent.
For the WM-NE pattern (Fig. 4c), the circulation over the western Pacific is almost opposite to that in the above two patterns, with an easterly anomaly dominating over equatorial areas. Northeasterly anomalies prevail over the tropical South Asian monsoon area, which is linked to easterly anomalies over the western Pacific.
For the SM-LN pattern (Fig. 4d), the zonal wind over the South Asian monsoon areas and the equatorial Pacific are almost opposite to that in the WM-EN pattern (Fig. 4a). Similarly, the circulation over the areas of Indo-China peninsula and the western North Pacific do show these opposite features. The results show that the correlated patterns of SASM and ENSO events exist not only in the tropics but also in the mid-latitudes. For the NM-LN pattern (Fig. 4e), the tropical circulation also shows an opposite feature to that in the NM-EN (Fig. 4b), some areas are not obvious but still exist over the middle latitudes. The circulation in the SM-NE pattern (Fig. 4f) also show the opposite feature to that in WM-NE pattern (Fig. 4c), although the location of the circulation anomalies is slightly different.
Based on the above results, we can find that the circulation anomalies are affected jointly by the monsoon and ENSO events. The corresponding anomalous patterns show opposite characteristics not only in the tropical areas but also in the middle latitude areas.
In addition, the statistical t-test shows (shaded areas in Fig. 4) that the circulation anomalies over the any key areas, including the South Asian monsoon area, western equatorial Pacific, exceed significantly the confidence level of 0.10, which means that the circulation anomalies pattern is reasonable. The following t-test in other fields also shows these features.
At 200hPa, westerly anomalies dominate the entire tropical South Asian monsoon area in the WM-EN pattern (Fig. 5a), and easterly anomalies are found over the equatorial western Pacific, corresponding to westerly anomalies at the low-level (Fig. 4a). The circulation anomalies at the low and upper levels, therefore, suggest the existence of two vertical anomalous circulations: Asian monsoon vertical zonal circulation (hereinafter referred to as MC) over the tropical Indian Ocean and Walker circulation (WC) over the tropical Pacific.
Figure 5. The same as Fig. 4 but for the 200hPa.
For the NM-EN pattern (Fig. 5b), easterly anomalies dominate over the tropical western Pacific and the South Asian monsoon area is also dominated by easterly anomalies. In contrast, the westerly anomalies occupy the entire tropical area from the South Asian monsoon area to the western Pacific in the WM-NE pattern (Fig. 5c). Similar to the low-level, the tropical circulation anomalies in the SM-LN (Fig. 5d) is opposite to that in the WM-EN pattern (Fig. 5a), which include the circulation anomalies over the middle latitudes. For the NM-LN (Fig. 5e) and NM-EN (Fig. 5b) patterns, the circulation anomalies also show negative correlation. The same is true for the SM-NE (Fig. 5f) and the WMNE (Fig. 5c) patterns.
Corresponding to the horizontal circulation at lower (Fig. 4) and upper (Fig. 5) circulation level, the velocity potential and divergence distribution on the lower level (850hPa) reflect the vertical motion (Fig. 6). For the WM-EN pattern, the South Asian monsoon area, and the regions from the Indo-China peninsula through the maritime continent as well as the northeastern ocean of Australia, are dominated by the divergence anomalies. The former area is consistent with the weak SASM, while the latter area implies that the descent anomalous motion dominates these areas, which is concomitant with the weak WC and weak MC. In contrast, the convergence anomalies dominate the South Asian monsoon area, the maritime continent and adjacent areas in the SM-LN pattern (Fig. 6d), which just reflect the effect of the strong SASM and La Niña events.
Figure 6. Composite 850hPa divergence wind and velocity potential anomalies averaged between June and August in (a) WM-EN, (b) NM‑EN, (c) WM-NE, (d) SM-LN, (e) NM-LN, and (f) SM-NE years. The colour map represents the velocity potential (Chi scaled by 1e6), and the arrow represents the divergence wind.
For the NM-EN pattern (Fig. 6b), the strong divergence is found over the maritime continent and surrounding areas, which still reflect the feature of the weak WC. In most of the South Asian monsoon region, the divergence value is small, which just shows that the SASM is normal. The divergence distribution over the western equatorial Pacific in the NM-LN pattern (Fig. 6e) shows an opposite feature to that in the NM-EN pattern (Fig. 6b). The divergence over the South Asian monsoon area also shows a weak anomaly.
For the WM-NE (Fig. 6c) patterns, the Asian landmass areas show divergence anomaly, while the SMNE (Fig. 6f) shows convergence anomaly, which corresponds to weak and strong monsoon events. In contrast, the divergence over the western equatorial Pacific and the maritime continent indicate a weak anomaly, which reflects the normal state of the tropical Pacific. It can be seen that the ENSO event is the main driving force for vertical circulation anomalies.
The extreme values of the velocity potential anomaly in Table 2 represent its intensity, and the larger positive value indicates strong convergence here, and vice versa. Through analysis and graphical comparison, we can find that the anomalous values in WM-EN and SM-LN patterns are much larger than those of the other four groups (Table. 2). We call the strong coupled phenomenon of WM-EN and SM-LN the resonance effect. It can be seen that the anomalous values under the resonance effect are twice that of the non-monsoon patterns (NM-EN, and NM-LN) and 4-5 times that of the non-ENSO patterns (WM-NE, SM-NE). Under what conditions can resonance effects be produced? We will answer this question in the mechanism analysis section.
Patterns 850 hPa Chi anomaly's extreme values Vertical circulation difference WM-EN -1.464492 -1.454965 NM-EN -0.6258565 -0.5513107 WM-NE -0.3196093 0.2063123 SM-LN 1.11268 0.9231751 NM-LN 0.7951069 0.7670668 SM-NE 0.3632113 -0.1157316 Table 2. In the six classifications, the extreme values of the 850hPa velocity potential anomaly near the maritime continent (20°S- 10°N, 90°E-120°E) are listed in the second column. The differences between the Walker circulation anomaly in the eastern region (190°W-230°W) and the western region (90°E-130°E) are listed in the third column.
Based on the lower and upper horizontal circulations as well as the divergence wind and the velocity potential distribution, the MC and WC over the South Asian monsoon area and tropical Pacific can be summarized as the schematic diagram (Fig. 7). The feature can be summarized as follows:
Figure 7. A schematic diagram illustrating the location of the South Asian summer monsoon zonal circulation (MC) and Walker circulation (WC) in (a) WM-EN, (b) NM-EN, (c) WM-NE, (d) SM-LN, (e) NM-LN, and (f) SM-NE. The arrow in the cloud and the size of the cloud represent the updraft and its intensity.
· The WC associated with ENSO events is not always correlated with the MC associated with the SASM. The easterly (westerly) anomalies in weak (strong) SASM occurs while the westerly (easterly) anomalies over the tropical Pacific in El Niño (La Niña) (WM-EN, SM-LN), which only account for around 40% in ENSO events. For the NM-EN, WM-NE, NM-LN, and SM-NE patterns, the circulations over the South Asian monsoon area and the equatorial Pacific are uncorrelated.
· The relative intensity of the WC and MC is different and the cores of their maximum anomalous zonal wind do not locate at the same equatorial zone. The position of MC is always north of the equator (10ºN-15ºN).
· For the four uncorrelated patterns (NM-EN, WMNE, NM-LN, SM-NE), the MC direction on the vertical section is often in the same direction in the WC, which means that the rising or subsidence branch of MC is different from that in the WC over the maritime continent and surrounding areas. These results indicate that the MC and WC are the two relative independent systems.
This result shows that the South Asian summer monsoon and ENSO are not always strongly correlated. Only when certain conditions are met can a strong coupling phenomenon occur, which is the resonance effect we have proposed. The mechanism for the present results will be discussed in the following sections.