ISSN 1006-8775CN 44-1409/P

    Impacts of Increasing Model Resolutions and Shortening Forecast Lead Times on QPFs in South China During the Rainy Season
    ZHANG Xu-bin, LI Jing-shan, LUO Ya-li, BAO Xing-hua, CHEN Jing-yang, XIAO Hui, WEN Qiu-shi
    2023, 29(3): 277-300. DOI: 10.3724/j.1006-8775.2023.021
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    FSS-based Evaluation on Monsoon Precipitation Forecasts in South China from Regional Models with Different Resolution
    ZHANG Lan, REN Peng-fei, XU Dao-sheng, LI Huai-yu, ZHANG Yu-fei
    2023, 29(3): 301-311. DOI: 10.3724/j.1006-8775.2023.022
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    Interdecadal Change in the Interannual Variability of South China Sea Summer Monsoon Intensity
    ZHOU Ming-jie, JIAN Mao-qiu, GAO Si
    2023, 29(3): 312-323. DOI: 10.3724/j.1006-8775.2023.023
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    Contrasting Trend of Wintertime Wind Speed Between Near-surface and Upper Air in China During 1979–2021
    WANG Song-qiu, GUO Jian-ping, ZHENG Xiao-hui, WU Jing-yan, XIAN Tian, CHEN Tian-meng, ZANG Zeng-liang
    2023, 29(3): 324-336. DOI: 10.3724/j.1006-8775.2023.024
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    Diversity on the Interannual Variations of Spring Monthly Precipitation in Southern China and the Associated Tropical Sea Surface Temperature Anomalies
    GUO Ru-yue, PAN Wei-juan, KE Min-ling, WEI Wei, WANG Zi-qian
    2023, 29(3): 337-346. DOI: 10.3724/j.1006-8775.2023.025
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    Thunderstorm and Lightning Activities over Western Pacific, Northern Indian Ocean and South China Sea Along with Their Adjacent Lands
    DING Jia-xin, ZHANG Yi-jun, ZHENG Dong, YAO Wen, ZHANG Wen-juan
    2023, 29(3): 347-358. DOI: 10.3724/j.1006-8775.2023.026
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    The Relationship Between Indian Ocean SST and Tropical Cyclone Genesis Frequency over North Indian Ocean in May
    CHEN Yan, YAN Hong-ming, TAO Yun, YANG Kun-lin, WANG Meng-qiu
    2023, 29(3): 359-369. DOI: 10.3724/j.1006-8775.2023.027
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    Ideal Case Study of Adaptive Localization in Storm-scale Ensemble Kalman Filter Assimilation
    LIU Shuo, MIN Jin-zhong, ZHANG Chen, GAO Shi-bo
    2023, 29(3): 370-384. DOI: 10.3724/j.1006-8775.2023.028
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