ISSN 1006-8775CN 44-1409/P

    Ensemble Forecast for Tropical Cyclone Based on CNOP-P Method: A Case Study of WRF Model and Two Typhoons
    YUAN Shi-jin, SHI Bo, ZHAO Zi-jun, MU Bin, ZHOU Fei-fan, DUAN Wan-suo
    2022, 28(2): 121-138. DOI: 10.46267/j.1006-8775.2022.010
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    Experiments with the Improved Dynamical-Statistical-Analog Ensemble Forecast Model for Landfalling Typhoon Precipitation over South China
    MA Yun-qi, REN Fu-min, JIA Li, DING Chen-chen
    2022, 28(2): 139-153. DOI: 10.46267/j.1006-8775.2022.011
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    The Application of a Meteo-hydrological Forecasting System with Rainfall Bias Correction in a Small and Medium-sized Catchment
    GAO Yu-fang, WU Yu-qing, CHEN Yao-deng, YU Wei, GU Tian-wei, WU Ya-zhen
    2022, 28(2): 154-168. DOI: 10.46267/j.1006-8775.2022.012
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    Kinematics and Microphysical Characteristics of the First Intense Rainfall Convective Storm Observed by Jiangsu Polarimetric Radar Network
    WANG Kun, XIA Xin, MEI Yi-qing, JIANG Ning, WAN Qi-lin, LI Min, GU Pei-shu, PENG Xiao-yan
    2022, 28(2): 169-182. DOI: 10.46267/j.1006-8775.2022.013
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    Relative Roles of Intraseasonal and Above-seasonal Components in the South China Sea Summer Monsoon Onset
    CHEN Pei-shan, JIAN Mao-qiu, GAO Si
    2022, 28(2): 183-193. DOI: 10.46267/j.1006-8775.2022.014
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    Spatiotemporal Variation of Water Vapor Budget over the Tibetan Plateau and Its Regulation on Precipitation
    WANG Hui-mei, ZHAO Ping
    2022, 28(2): 194-206. DOI: 10.46267/j.1006-8775.2022.015
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    PM10 Observed at a Meteorological Station in Beijing: Historical Trend and Implications
    NAN Xue-jing, LIN Wei-li, HE Xiao-lei, LEI Yong, MERLONE Andrea
    2022, 28(2): 207-217. DOI: 10.46267/j.1006-8775.2022.016
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    Reliability of X-band Dual-polarization Phased Array Radars Through Comparison with an S-band Dual-polarization Doppler Radar
    ZHOU Xin-yu, HU Dong-ming, ZHANG Yu, LI Hao-wen, TIAN Cong-cong
    2022, 28(2): 218-236. DOI: 10.46267/j.1006-8775.2022.017
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    A Comprehensive Observational Analysis for the Effects of Gas Cannons on Clouds and Precipitation
    WU Bin, WANG Dan-dan, LI Yan-fang, YIN Hao, DU Shuang, LI Peng-hong
    2022, 28(2): 237-251. DOI: 10.46267/j.1006-8775.2022.018
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    A Brief Discussion on the High-impact Cold-season Tornado Outbreak During 10-11 December 2021 in the United States
    LI Cai-ling, BAI Lan-qiang, YU Xiao-ding, TAN Hao-bo, HUANG Xian-xiang, YAN Li-jun, LI Zhao-ming, ZHANG Ze-yu
    2022, 28(2): 252-260. DOI: 10.46267/j.1006-8775.2022.019
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