ISSN 1006-8775CN 44-1409/P

    Analysis on structure of Typhoon Longwang based on GPS dropwinsonde data
    SHU Shou-juan, PENG Li-ran
    2011, 17(3): 193-201.
    Abstract PDF
    Determination of onset date of the South China Sea summer monsoon in 2006 using large-scale circulations
    ZHENG Bin, LIN Ai-lan, GU De-jun, LI Chun-hui
    2011, 17(3): 202-208.
    Abstract PDF
    Variation of the monsoon trough intensity in the South China Sea and western North Pacific ocean and its relationship to tropical cyclone activities
    GAO Jian-yun, YU Jing-hua, ZHANG Xiu-zhi, ZHANG Rong-yan
    2011, 17(3): 209-220.
    Abstract PDF
    MODIS brightness temperature data assimilation under cloudy conditions Ⅱ: Impacts on rainstorm forecasting
    DING Wei-yu, WAN Qi-lin, HUANG Yan-yan, CHEN Zi-tong, ZHANG Cheng-zhong
    2011, 17(3): 221-230.
    Abstract PDF
    A study of partitioning Q vector on background conditions of a torrential rainfall over Shanghai, China on 25 August 2008
    YUE Cai-jun, LU Xiao-qin, Xiaofan LI, ZONG Zhi-ping
    2011, 17(3): 231-247.
    Abstract PDF
    On the characteristics of propagation of intraseasonal oscillations and their observed association with tropical synoptic waves in the Asian-western Pacific region in boreal summer
    HE Jie-lin, WAN Qi-lin, GUAN Zhao-yong, LIN Ai-lan, WANG Li-juan
    2011, 17(3): 248-256.
    Abstract PDF
    Application of WRF/UCM in the simulation of a heat wave event and urban heat island around Guangzhou
    MENG Wei-guang, ZHANG Yan-xia, LI Jiang-nan, LIN Wen-shi, DAI Guang-feng, LI Hao-rui
    2011, 17(3): 257-267.
    Abstract PDF
    Variation characteristics of tropical cyclones making landfall in China at different intensities
    XU Xiang-chun, YU Yu-bin, ZHAO Da-jun
    2011, 17(3): 268-275.
    Abstract PDF
    Asymmetric rainband breaking in Typhoon Haitang (2005) before and after its landfall
    DING Zhi-ying, WANG Yong, SHEN Xin-yong, XU Hai-ming
    2011, 17(3): 276-284.
    Abstract PDF
    The variation of evaporation over South China and its relationships to precipitation
    JIAN Mao-qiu, QIAO Yun-ting, HUANG Wei, WEN Zhi-ping
    2011, 17(3): 285-292.
    Abstract PDF
    Structure of South Asia High in the stratosphere and influence of ENSO
    LI Chong-yin, LI Lin, TAN Yan-ke
    2011, 17(3): 293-301.
    Abstract PDF
    On the relationship between 100-hPa South Asia High and Mei-yu in Jiangsu province
    LIU Mei, PEI Hai-ying, YU Jian-wei, HU Luo-lin
    2011, 17(3): 302-309.
    Abstract PDF
    Evolution of moist potential vorticity during a warm-zone heavy rainfall event in the Pearl River Delta
    LI Jiang-nan, YE Ai-fen, XU Yong-hui, WU Zhi-fang, HE Ru-yi, CAI Rong-shuo
    2011, 17(3): 310-316.
    Abstract PDF