The NCEP 1°×1° reanalysis of June-to-September dataset between 2002 to 2009 is used in this study to conduct statistical analysis of the relationship between the environmental potential vorticity (PV) on 150 hPa located at the south edge of South Asia High (SAH) and TCs making landfall. The results show that 23 of the TCs are affected by the PV on 150 hPa located at the south edge of SAH between 2002 to 2009, and three TCs' center pressure decline after the high-value environmental PV moves to the center of the TCs. These three TCs are Senlaku (0216), Bilis (0604) and Linfa (0903). Through diagnostic analysis from the viewpoint of isolines, we determined the relationship between the intensification of these TCs and the PV anomaly at high levels; the isentropic surface is close to the high level’s PV anomaly under the influence of the 150-hPa PV anomaly, leading to the decline of isentropic surfaces on both sides of the PV anomaly. Then the warm core of the middle and high levels of the TC strengthens and PV increases at the middle level, and both of them are beneficial to the reinforcement of the cyclonic vorticity in the low level. As a result, the center pressure of the TC declines. According to Wu’s theory of Slantwise Vorticity Development (SVD), the incline of the isentropic surfaces leads to the development of vertical vorticity, contributing to the vertical motion and the release of the latent heat. Then the warm core of the TC strengthens and the TC strengthens, too. Otherwise, piecewise PV inversion also shows that the high-level PV influences the mid-level more than the low level.