In order to clarify the statistical pattern by which landfalling strong tropical cyclones (LSTCs) influenced the catastrophic migrations of rice brown planthopper (BPH), Nilaparvata lugens (st?l) in China, the data of the LSTCs in China and the lighting catches of BPH that covered the main Chinese rice-growing regions from 1979 to 2008 were collected and analyzed in this work with the assistance of ArcGIS9.3, a software of geographic information system. The results were as follows: (1) In China, there were 220 strong tropical cyclones that passed the main rice-growing regions and 466 great events of BPH’s immigration in the 30 years from 1979 to 2008. 73 of them resulted in the occurrence of BPH’s catastrphic migration (CM) events directly and 147 of them produced indirect effect on the migrations. (2) The number of the LSTCs was variable in different years during 1979 to 2008 and their influence was not the same in the BPH’s northward and southward migrations in the years. In the 30 years, the LSTCs brought more obvious influence on the migrations in 1980, 1981, 2005, 2006 and 2007. The influence was the most obvious in 2007 and all of the 7 LSTCs produced remarkable impact on the CMs of BPH’s populations. The effect of the LSTCs on the northward immigration of BPH’s populations was the most serious in 2006 and the influence on the southward immigration was the most remarkable in 2005. (3) In these years, the most of LSTCs occurred in July, August and September and great events of BPH's immigration occurred most frequently in the same months. The LSTCs played a more important role on the CM of BPH’s populations in the three months than in other months. (4) The analysis on the spatial distribution of the LSTCs and BPH’s immigration events for the different provinces showed that the BPH’s migrations in the main rice-growing regions of the Southeastern China were influenced by the LSTCs and the impact was different with the change of their spatial probability distribution during their passages. The most serious influence of the LSTCs on the BPH’s migrations occurred in Guangdong and Fujian provinces. (5)The statistical results indicated that a suitable insect source is an indispensable condition of the CMs of BPH when a LSTC influenced a rice-growing region.