The interdecadal variations of tropical cyclones (TCs) and their precipitation over Guangdong Province are investigated using the observational data of TCs and precipitation from 26 observational stations in the province from 1951 to 2005. The results show that the TCs precipitation shows an oscillation with a peak value of about 25 years, with both the numbers of the Guangdong-influencing TCs and TCs formed in the western North Pacific oscillating with a peak value of about 23 years. The correlations are highly positive between the interdecadal variation of TC precipitation over the province and these numbers. The interdecadal variation of TC precipitation in the province shows significant negative correlations with the interdecadal variation of annual mean SST in some parts of the western North Pacific and the interdecadal variation of annual mean 500 hPa geopotential heights in some parts of the middle and high latitudes over the North Pacific. In general, there are high mean SSTs on the equator from central to eastern Pacific, low mean SSTs in the middle and high latitudes over the North Pacific and a main strong East Asian trough over the North Pacific in the period of less TC precipitation as compared with the period of more TC precipitation over the province.