The NCEP Global Data Assimilation System analysis of grid data, satellite products of Naval Research Laboratory, conventional meteorological data and observations of automatic weather stations in Guangdong province were used together with environmental conditions, atmospheric circulation, and physical characteristics to diagnose the cause and mechanism of the intensification of tropical cyclone Higos in Southern China. The results showed that favorable environmental conditions of high temperature, humidity of the underlying surface, strong upper divergence, weak vertical wind shear, and the persistence of a southwest jet stream beside the southern Higos were the necessary ingredients that contributed to the maintenance of intensity and re-intensification of Higos. The sinking intrusion of cold air from the lower troposphere was the critical condition for its intensification over land. The frontal genesis caused by weak cold air increased the lower tropospheric convergence and updraft, and the condensation latent heat released by heavy rains promoted convergence. From this positive feedback process, Higos obtained an increasing of positive vorticity and re-intensified over land. The re-intensification was due not only to the build-up of wind and the reduction of pressure but also to the simultaneous warm-up of its warm core.