Using OLR and 850 hPa and 200 hPa wind fields data (1979 –C 2006), this paper diagnoses the characteristics of convection over the tropical area in preceding autumns and winters in association with April precipitation anomalies in Shandong province. It is found that preceding convection anomalies over the Western Pacific Warm Pool in December have close relationships with the April precipitation in Shandong. Further analysis of the relationship with the general circulation over the East Asia shows that the convection anomaly over the Western Pacific Warm Pool has close relationships with the Main East Asian Trough, the Hadley cell over East Asia and the Walker cell. The characteristics of East Asian atmospheric circulation anomalies accompanied with stronger (weaker) convection are consistent with those of less (more) April precipitation anomalies in Shandong. Therefore, the convection anomaly over the tropics in December may be an important indicator for April precipitation in Shandong.