Detailed analysis and comparisons are made on the data of Hong Kong wind-profiler and the weather/precipitation every hour during the HUAMEX and the experiment for the monsoon of the South China Sea (SCSMEX) in 1998. It is found that the wind-profiler data could reveal the meso-scale phenomena in the PBL of Southwest Monsoon, which was closely related to rainstorms. The center of the low-level jet under the altitude of 2 km, which corresponded to the appearance of heavy rain, appeared 1 to 2 hours after the center of low-level jet (LLJ) did above the 2-km altitude. An index I is designed to represent the intensity and height of the LLJ. This index can express clearly the close relationship between the precipitation and the LLJ. The results show that the wind-profiler is somewhat predictive to a rainstorm.