Twelve very heavy rainstorms that caused severe floods in Pearl River drainage basin from 1949 to 1994 are analyzed here. It is found that the rainstorms can be divided into three kinds. and they have different characteristics in circulation and physical quantities. Rainstorms that caused floods in the Xijiang River and Beijiang River usually happen during the first flood season of the year(Apr.-Jun.). They last long. cover large areas and cause severe disasters. There are Stable circulation backgrounds and complete tyontal precipitation systems, and large stratification instability fields. Rainstorms often cause floods in coastal rivers and small tributaries during the second floods season(Jul.-Sept.). They happen suddenly, last a short time but have strong raillfail intensity. They are always caused by tropical cyclones but show significant instability only in rainstorm fields.The characteristics of rainstorms causing floods in the Dongjiang River or other main tributaries are similar to the two above. That is, they may be connected with fronts or tropical cyclones, and its stability degree is between the preceding two kinds.