By deriving the discrete equation of the parameterized equation for the New Medium-Range Forecast (NMRF) boundary layer scheme in the GRAPES model, the adjusted discrete equation for temperature is obviously different from the original equation under the background of hydrostatic equilibrium and adiabatic hypothesis. In the present research, three discrete equations for temperature in the NMRF boundary layer scheme are applied, namely the original (hereafter NMRF), the adjustment (hereafter NMRF-gocp), and the one in the YSU boundary-layer scheme (hereafter NMRF-TZ). The results show that the deviations of height, temperature, U and V wind in the boundary layer in the NMRF-gocp and NMRF-TZ experiments are smaller than those in the NMRF experiment and the deviations in the NMRF-gocp experiment are the smallest. The deviations of humidity are complex for the different forecasting lead time in the three experiments. Moreover, there are obvious diurnal variations of deviations from these variables, where the diurnal variations of deviations from height and temperature are similar and those from U and V wind are also similar. However, the diurnal variation of humidity is relatively complicated. The root means square errors of 2m temperature (T2m) and 10m speed (V10m) from the three experiments show that the error of NMRF-gocp is the smallest and that of NMRF is the biggest. There is also a diurnal variation of T2m and V10m, where T2m has double peaks and V10m has only one peak. Comparison of the discrete equations between NMRF and NMRF-gocp experiments shows that the deviation of temperature is likely to be caused by the calculation of vertical eddy diffusive coefficients of heating, which also leads to the deviations of other elements.