The quantitative precipitation forecast (QPF) in very-short range (0-12 hours) has been investigated in this paper by using a convective-scale (3km) GRAPES_Meso model. At first, a latent heat nudging (LHN) scheme to assimilate the hourly intensified surface precipitation data was set up to enhance the initialization of GRAPES_Meso integration. And then based on the LHN scheme, a convective-scale prediction system was built up in considering the initial “triggering” uncertainties by means of multi-scale initial analysis (MSIA), such as the three-dimensional variational data assimilation (3DVAR), the traditional LHN method (VAR0LHN3), the cycling LHN method (CYCLING), the spatial filtering (SS) and the temporal filtering (DFI) LHN methods. Furthermore, the probability matching (PM) method was used to generate the QPF in very-short range by combining the precipitation forecasts of the five runs. The experiments for one month were carried out to validate the MSIA and PM method for QPF in very-short range. The numerical simulation results showed that: (1) in comparison with the control run, the CYCLING run could generate the smaller-scale initial moist increments and was better for reducing the spin-up time and triggering the convection in a very-short time; (2) the DFI runs could generate the initial analysis fields with relatively larger-scale initial increments and trigger the weaker convections at the beginning time (0-3h) of integration, but enhance them at latter time (6-12h); (3) by combining the five runs with different convection triggering features, the PM method could significantly improve the QPF in very-short range in comparison to any single run. Therefore, the QPF with a small size of combining members proposed here is quite prospective in operation for its lower computation cost and better performance.