The momentum advection vorticity equation in the form of cross multiplication is introduced, in which the divergence term in the classic vorticity equation does not appear explicitly. This equation includes the rotation effect of the horizontal wind advection, which are not explicitly included in the classic vorticity equation. The vorticity and its tendency of Typhoon Fung-Wong (0808) that occurred in July 2008 are analyzed. The computed results show that the rotation effect of the advection of the horizontal wind is a leading factor in determining the change of vertical vorticity for Fung-Wong during its life cycle, especially in the period leading up to landfall. The advection term represents the tendency variation of the vertical vorticity, and the positive-value region of the vertical vorticity tendency is almost in accord with the track of Fung-Wong, which may be taken as a factor to locate the key observational region of Fung-Wong. The equation provides a supplementary diagnostic tool for the systems related with strong advection of horizontal wind.